
2 unusual facts about Neger


Nazi doctors were enthusiastic about the results, and planned to supply all German troops with the pills, but the war ended before D-IX could be put into mass production, though it did see limited use among a handful of Neger and Biber pilots.


The pilot navigated via a wrist compass and air was provided through a Dräger self-contained breathing device.


Neger |

Abiye Teklemariam

In September 2009, Addis Neger newspaper wrote an editorial believed to be authored by Abiye and his colleague Mesfin Negash that questioned the journalistic value of balance.

Apostolic Vicariate of Sudan

The two religious congregations, the Sons of the Sacred Heart and the Pious Mothers of Nigritia, furnished missionaries and sisters to the vicariate, and the two periodical papers La Nigrizia (The Negritude, in Verona, Italy) and Stern der Neger (Star of the Negroes, in Brixen, then Austria) print articles about this mission.

USS PC-558

After firing on the Neger with 20 mm and 40 mm cannon fire and dropping two depth charges, PC-558 successfully destroyed the vessel and captured the sole occupant, Oberfähnrich Walter Schulz.

see also