In 1912 he was involved in Cuba's Negro Rebellion, which resulted in an intervention by the United States military.
The force was under the command of Major George C. Thorpe and originally intended to be used against rebels in Mexico, it arrived at Guantanamo Bay on March 13.
Boxer Rebellion | Rio Negro | Indian Rebellion of 1857 | Negro Ensemble Company | Rio Negro (Amazon) | Irish Rebellion of 1798 | Río Negro | rebellion | Taiping Rebellion | Río Negro Province | Rebellion | Negro National League | Negro league baseball | Lower Canada Rebellion | Rebellion Developments | National Council of Negro Women | Morant Bay rebellion | General Roca, Río Negro | Viedma, Río Negro | Shimabara Rebellion | Negro | Nat Turner's slave rebellion | Münster Rebellion | Guerrero Negro | El Gato Negro | Whiskey Rebellion | Upper Canada Rebellion | North-West Rebellion | Negro Southern League | Negro Ensemble Company (NEC) |