
3 unusual facts about Neil Dawson

Cathedral Square, Christchurch

The Chalice, designed by prominent New Zealand artist Neil Dawson, is made up of forty-two leaf patterns featuring different native plants.

Neil Dawson

After a long time in storage, it is now proposed to install Fanfare next to State Highway 1 just south of the Waimakariri River Bridge to welcome visitors coming to the city from the north.

Dawson's best-known pieces include The Chalice, a large inverted cone in Cathedral Square, Christchurch, and Ferns, a sphere created from metal fern leaves which hangs above Wellington's Civic Square.

see also

Brendon Dawson

Brendon Neil Dawson (born Bulawayo, 2 September 1967) is a former Zimbabwean rugby union footballer and a current coach.