
unusual facts about Neo & Farina

Xan Tyler

Xan went on to release two more records on Platipus, Altitude "Silence is Loud" and "The Key" with Neo & Farina in 2004.

360 Gamer

360 Gamer is a UK-based video games magazine dedicated to the Xbox 360 console, published since 27 October 2005 by Uncooked Media (which previously published its sister PlayStation 3 magazine, Play Gamer, as well as the current titles FSM and Neo).

Ilmārs Poikāns

He has used the pseudonym Neo (of The Matrix), and is also known in the press as Latvia's "Robin Hood".

Jesus Army Productions

From within this production came the critically acclaimed "Jesus is the One" which drew a parallel between Jesus Christ and Neo of the movie The Matrix and "The Must-Have Trade Expo".

John Shelton Lawrence

In Matthew Kapell and William G. Doty's Jacking In to the Matrix Franchise: Cultural Reception and Interpretation (2005), he explores the kind of fascism that is symbolically conveyed by heroic figures such as Luke Skywalker of Star Wars (1977) and Neo in The Matrix series.


Many were also what the arabist Mikel de Epalza calls "Neo-Mozarabs", that is Northern Europeans who had come to the Iberian Peninsula and picked up Arabic, thereby entering the Mozarabic community.

Rhinoceros Party

He stated he named the new party (then under the name "neorhino") for the Rhinoceros Party and for Neo, the Matrix character.

Ronald Crane

The prefix “Neo” is applied because of the modifications Crane makes to Aristotle’s original theories in Poetics.

Vítězslav Novák

Stylistically, he was a leading figure in the Neo-Romanticism movement, and his music has been occasionally considered an early example of Czech modernism.

see also