
70 unusual facts about Neo

Advertising in Korea

Traditionally Korean women served under the ideals from Neo-Confucianism.

Bologna Centrale railway station

Over the years, official investigation has determined that the attack was carried out by a small neo-fascist group.

Carlos J. Tirado Yepes

Carlos J. Tirado Yepes (born April 3, 1964, Caracas, Venezuela), is a Venezuelan artist, painter and sculptor who has developed a very personal and precise work line linked to Neo-pop art.

Cherie Priest

Priest has expanded her style to include the Steampunk genre, which can be best described as a fantastical Neo-Victorian alternate history often involving modern technology powered by nineteenth century means.

Christian Skredsvig

Skredsvig's famous neo-romantic painting Seljefløiten (The Sallow Flute, 1889) was painted by the lake Dælivannet in Bærum.

Grand Ducal Burial Vault

The Neo-Baroque domed structure is frequently mistaken for a part of the Peter and Paul Cathedral due to architectural similarities.

Harald Sohlberg

Harald Oskar Sohlberg (29 September 1869 – 19 June 1935) was a Norwegian Neo-romantic painter, particularly known for his depictions of the mountains of Rondane and the town of Røros.

Ian Steedman

Steedman has been recognised as one of the leading Neo-Ricardian economic theorists with work in the areas overlapping with those of Marx, Sraffa, Marshall, Jevons and Wicksteed.

James Tracy

In early 1989, the presence of Neo-Nazi organizers in Vallejo helped him form an anti-racist commitment.

Jim Mallon

Along with WSA Vice-President Leon Varjian, Mallon oversaw the redirection of the group's budget away from various social causes in the direction of artistic projects, including several startling and amusing public neo-Dadaist stunts.

Joaquín Esteban Osaguera Peña

Oseguera Peña was stated as one of the targets of the failed 2011 bombing at the State of Mexico Campus by an anti technology group called Tendiendo a lo Salvaje (ITS) .


Mother Jones published an article in September 2013 which discusses a concern that credit companies who use social media like Lenddo, LendUp, Moven, Neo, Kabbage, and Kreditech may "be discriminating against applicants who essentially appear socially undesirable."

Marc David Lewis

From this neo-Piagetian origin, Marc Lewis began investigating cognition-emotion interactions: the influence of cognitive development on emotional and personality development, and the influence of emotion on cognitive and personality development, as a professor at the University of Toronto.

Mito Domain

The origins of this Neo-Confucianist movement date to Mitsukuni's decision to establish a historiographical organization known as the Shōkōkan in 1657.

Modest Urgell

-- not sure about the nature of "illustrated alleyuyas" and still following up. --> painted portraits, his prolific body of work is dominated by Neo-romantic landscapes, such as Fields of Loneliness (Campos de Soledad) (1894).


Many were also what the arabist Mikel de Epalza calls "Neo-Mozarabs", that is Northern Europeans who had come to the Iberian Peninsula and picked up Arabic, thereby entering the Mozarabic community.


Practice, especially Jnana Yoga, is needed to "destroy one’s tendencies (vAasanA-s)" before real insight can be attained.


James Bratt has identified a number of different types of Dutch Calvinism: The Seceders—split into the Reformed Church “West” and the Confessionalists; and the Neo-Calvinists—the Positives and the Antithetical Calvinists.


Emperor Justinian I accepted the neo-chalcedonian interpretation, and it was approved officially at the Second Council of Constantinople in 553.

Neo-Communist Party of the Soviet Union

In April 1977, NCPSU members once again became objects of KGB investigation, this time the one related to 1977 Moscow bombings – bomb explosions in Moscow Metro and on 25 October Street (now: Nikolskaya Street).

After the merger the two groups ideologically enriched each other through bringing together the ideas of Trotskyism and the New Left (mainly Herbert Marcuse, Che Guevara and Régis Debray) by PNC and the ideas of French atheist existentialism (essentially, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) by the "Left School".

In all, there were 32 members in NCPSU, mainly in Moscow and Moscow Oblast, but there were also groups in Kirov (2 members), Leningrad (2 members), in Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk, 2 members), in Georgia (Tbilisi and Rustavi, 2 members), in Latvia (Riga, 1 member).


The mainstream represented a return to the teachings of Confucius, Mengzi, the Doctrine of the Mean and the Commentaries of the Book of Changes.


In December 1970, Junio Valerio Borghese attempted, along with Stefano Delle Chiaie, the Borghese Coup which was supposed to install a neo-fascist regime.


The beginning of the Neo-Gramscian perspective can be traced to York University professor emeritus, Robert W. Cox's article "Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory", in Millennium 10 (1981) 2, and "Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations: An Essay in Method", published in Millennium 12 (1983) 2.

Kees van der Pijl, The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class, London Verso, 1984.


The Neo-Guelph or Neo-Guelphism movement was a Nineteenth century Italian political society which wanted to unite Italy into a single kingdom with the Pope as its king.


While the movement spanned a broad spectrum of spiritual proclivities, some Jews in the founding circles, like Arthur Waskow, Arthur Green, and Michael Lerner, under the combined influence of Heschel and Schachter-Shalomi, took up the project of further exploring Hasidism and recasting it in an American idiom.

Neo-Hasidism is a name frequently given to the significant revival of interest in Hasidic Judaism on the part of non-Orthodox Jews in different decades due to the writings of non-Orthodox teachers of Hasidic Judaism like Martin Buber, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Lawrence Kushner, Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Arthur Green.


Ogden Rood’s book, Modern Chromatics, with Applications to Art and Industry, acknowledged the different behaviors exhibited by colored light and colored pigment.


The converse European tradition drawing on the understandings of the transcendental derived from phenomenology continues to emphasize the converse reading as is shown by the recent works of Jean-Luc Nancy.

Another important group, the 'Southwest School' (or Baden School, in Southwest Germany) included Wilhelm Windelband, Heinrich Rickert and Ernst Troeltsch.

In addition to the work of Hermann von Helmholtz and Eduard Zeller, early fruits of the movement were Kuno Fischer's works on Kant and Friedrich Albert Lange's History of Materialism (Geschichte des Materialismus), the latter of which argued that transcendental idealism superseded the historic struggle between material idealism and mechanistic materialism.

The debate between Cassirer and Heidegger over the interpretation of Kant led the latter to formulate reasons for viewing Kant as a forerunner of phenomenology; this view was disputed in important respects by Eugen Fink.

Natorp had a decisive influence on the history of phenomenology and is often credited with leading Edmund Husserl to adopt the vocabulary of transcendental idealism.


Other important Neo-Manueline buildings, in Portugal, are Rossio Railway Station, Lisbon (1886–1890), Palace Hotel of Bussaco (1888–1907), the Sintra Town Hall (1906–1909), the Counts of Castro Guimarães Palace in Cascais (1900) and the Quinta da Regaleira in Sintra (1904–1910).

Neo-Marxian economics

Competition is generally limited however with a few large capital formations sharing various markets, with the exception of a few actual monopolies (such as the Bell System at the time).

Neo-Medieval music

1989 saw the formation of the German band Corvus Corax, two members of which were on the run from the disintegrating East German regime.


Neo-medievalism (or neomedievalism) is a neologism that was first popularized by Italian medievalist Umberto Eco in his 1986 essay "Dreaming in the Middle Ages".


Contemporary artists who have been linked to the term, or who have been included in shows employing it, include Jerry Brown, David Burdeny, Catharine Burgess, Marjan Eggermont, Paul Kuhn, Eve Leader, Tanya Rusnak, Daniel Ong, Laurel Smith, Christopher Willard, and Tim Zuck.

Neo-Nazi marches in Dresden

One particular reason for the growth in attendance was that other “big” Nazi demonstrations like the those in Halbe and Wunsiedel were successfully blocked by anti-fascist protestors or forbidden by the authorities.


The company was formed after founding member Brett Bagenstose left the office of G2 Interactive, a worldwide marketing services company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to create a design and production agency in Berks County, Pennsylvania.

Neo-Pangea (pronounced neo-pan-jee-uh) is a design and production boutique located in West Reading, Pennsylvania.

Neo-Pangea was originally founded in Shillington, Pennsylvania but was later moved to its current location in West Reading, Pennsylvania.

Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development

In the theory proposed by Andreas Demetriou, with his colleagues, all of these factors are systematically studied.

Demetriou integrated into the theory the constructs of speed and control of processing and he formulated the functional shift model which unifies Pascual-Leone's notion of underlying common dimension of capacity development with the notion of qualitative changes in mental structure as development progresses along this dimension.

Moreover, Demetriou's theory integrated models from cognitive, psychometric, and developmental psychology into an overarching model that describes the architecture of the human mind, its development, and individual differences in regard to both architecture and development.

Moreover, Demetriou did justice to the role of self-awareness in cognitive development and the relevant autonomy in the development of different domains of thought.


Ken Done in Australia became world famous for his businesslike approach to art related merchandise including tea towels, key rings, t-shirts, sarongs.


Other examples of notable neo-revelationist movements are the Unification Church, Universal Life, Church of the Last Testament and Fiat Lux.

:"New Revelation" is the title of a 2007 album by Astral Doors.


Prominent neo-Ricardians are usually held to include Pierangelo Garegnani, Krishna Bharadwaj, Luigi Pasinetti, Joan Robinson, John Eatwell, Fernando Vianello, Murray Milgate, Ian Steedman, Heinz Kurz, Neri Salvadori, Bertram Schefold, Fabio Petri, Massimo Pivetti, Franklin Serrano, Fabio Ravagnani, Roberto Ciccone, Sergio Parrinello, Alessandro Roncaglia, Maurice Dobb, Gilbert Abraham-Frois and Giorgio Gilibert.


Variation within the tradition of neo-scholastic Thomism is represented by Martin Grabmann (1875-1949), Amato Masnovo (1880-1955), Francesco Olgiati (1886-1962), and Antonin-Dalmace Sertillanges (1863-1948).


Neo-Tech, a philosophy being promoted by the above company.

Neo-Tiwanakan architecture

The architect Emilio Villanueva popularized the Neo-Tiwanakan architecture in the city of La Paz during the decade of the 1930s.

The Neo-Tiwanakan or Pseudo-Tiwanakan architecture is a style developed by the architect Emilio Villanueva Peñaranda between the years 1930 and 1948 inspired in the designs of the Pre-Columbian archeological site of Tiwanaku in Bolivia.


Examples of neo-Trotskyists would be Tony Cliff and Max Schachtman (who eventually no longer referred to Trotskyism).


This has been especially true since the controversy surrounding the aftermath of Ordinatio Sacerdotalis in 1994 and The Tablet's article about that letter On Not Inventing Doctrine published a year and a half later.

Its main bastion in these early days was the French journal Univers under the leadership of Louis Veuillot.


A recent strategy, exemplified by Rajiv Malhotra, is the use of the term dhamma as a common denominator, which also includes Jainism and Buddhism.


Examples of crafts made in this style would include push-button cordless telephones made to look like antique wall-mounted phones, CD players resembling old time radios, Victorianesque furniture, and Victorian era-style clothing.

McDermott & McGough are a couple of contemporary artists whose work is all about a recreation of life in the nineteenth century: they only use the ultimate technology available, and since they are supposed to live anachronistically, this means the use of earlier photographic processes, and maintaining the illusion of a life stuck in the ways of a forgotten era.

Neo-völkisch movements

Kaplan and Weinberg note that "the religious component of the Euro-American radical right subculture includes both pagan and Christian or pseudo-Christian elements," locating Satanist or Odinist Nazi Skinhead sects in the United States (Ben Klassen), Britain (David Myatt), Germany, Scandinavia and South Africa.

New Babylon

Neo-Babylonian Empire (626 BC–539 BC), a period of Mesopotamian history that is also known as the Chaldean Dynasty

Nuestra Señora de Lourdes y San Vicente Pallotti, Montevideo

Located on the intersection of the streets Paysandú and Ciudadela, the temple was built between 1885 and 1890 by engineer Ignacio Pedralbes in a Neo-Baroque eclectic style, inspired in the churches of La Sorbonne and Saint Gervais in Paris.

Reichian therapy

Neo-Reichian massage, whose practitioners attempt to locate and dissolve "holding patterns" (also called "body armoring").

Ronald Crane

The prefix “Neo” is applied because of the modifications Crane makes to Aristotle’s original theories in Poetics.

Vilhelm Bissen

With the equestrian statue of Absalon he turned to Neo-romanticism.

Vítězslav Novák

Stylistically, he was a leading figure in the Neo-Romanticism movement, and his music has been occasionally considered an early example of Czech modernism.

Yi I

His school of Neo-Confucianism placed emphasis on the more concrete, material elements; rather than inner spiritual perception, this practical and pragmatic approach valued external experience and learning.

Alphonso Lingis

The venue, staging and costumes were provided by the Kyoto-based neo-Dadaist group Phylloxera (Beatrix Fife, Mamoru Katagiri, Michael Lazarin).

András Schiff

He has also become an outspoken critic of the Hungarian government of Viktor Orbán, whom he has publicly accused of racism, anti-Semitism, and neo-fascism, stating in January 2012 that he would never again set foot in his native country.

Beate Zschäpe

Beate Zschäpe (* 2 January 1975 in Jena, Germany as Beate Apel) is a German right-wing extremist and an alleged member of the neo-Nazi terror group National Socialist Underground (NSU).

Bolivian Socialist Falange

Linklater, Magnus, Hilton, Isabel & Ascherson, Neal, The Fourth Reich: Klaus Barbie and the Neo-Fascist Connection, Hodder & Stoughton, 1984

Charles Underwood

Charles Underwood (1791 – 5 March 1883, Clifton, Bristol) was a builder in Cheltenham who moved to Bristol, where he became a neo-classical architect.

Edwin Atherton

His service in the BOI (later FBI) was notable for his having worked on the 1924 capture of a neo-revolutionary army of Mexican nationals under the leadership of General Enrique Estrada at Engineer Springs on the California border.


Carl August Ehrensvärd (1745–1800), Swedish naval officer, painter, author, and neo-classical architect

Else Christensen

This is distinctly different from the Folkish beliefs of most Germanic Neo-Pagans who distinctly eschew affiliations with Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists, although sometimes the lines are blurred by terminology and semantics.

Ferndale Main Street Historic District

Eastlake-Stick style buildings by Architect T.J. Frost are particularly well represented as are Italianate, Queen Anne, Neo-Classic, Bungalow, and Mission styles.

Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart

Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart (November 17, 1899, Osnabrück, Germany – December 19, 1962, Ulm) was a German Neo-plasticist (De Stijl) painter.

Gesinnungsgemeinschaft der Neuen Front

After the death of Kühnen in 1991, the leadership of the GdNF, which had about 400 fully active members, passed to Worch, Winfried Arnulf Priem and Austrian neo-Nazi leader Gottfried Küssel.


One of its attractions is the internal relief, the "Grieving Genius" made from Carrarra marble the work of Antonio Canova, Italian neo-classicist sculptor.

Henri-Edmond Cross

In 1898 he participated with Paul Signac, Maximilien Luce, and Théo van Rysselberghe in the first Neo-Impressionist exhibition in Germany, organized by Harry Kessler at Keller und Reiner Gallery (Berlin).

Hitman in the City

Originally, after the near failure of Money No Enough's production effort, Jack Neo approached BMP Productions about a new movie prospect.


The detachment then conducted a non-combatant evacuation (NEO) in Sierra Leone as part of HMM-261(Rein) which was named Operation Noble Obelisk.

Institute for Christian Studies

Surviving through a number of difficult financial years, ICS revised its organizational model more on the lines of the Frankfurt School, a research and teaching center in Germany devoted to Neo-Marxism, that was home to a string of illustrious philosophers Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse and today Jürgen Habermas.

Jew's harp

The bamboo jaw harp, known as kubing or kumbing is used by various Filipino peoples throughout the Philippine archipelago, and features in various neo-folk songs by artists like Joey Ayala and Grace Nono.

José Luis Cuevas Museum

This church is considered to be a mix of styles between Mexican Baroque and Neo-classic.


According to that, in Neo, Mino Province (now Motosu, Gifu Prefecture), to a woman who lived at Senjo River, a suspicious phantom-like man would appear at night and visit, and attempted to have intercourse with her.


Kammanu was a Luwian - Proto-Armenian speaking Neo-Hittite state in Armenian Highlands in the late 2nd millennium BC, formed from part of Kizzuwatna after the collapse of the Hittite Empire.

Kerr Cuhulain

He is a frequent contributor to The Witches' Voice networking website, and has applied his abilities as an investigative journalist to the histories of several controversial individuals in the Neo-Pagan and New Age communities, such as John Todd and Michael Warnke.

LAS Magazine

The magazine began as a monthly publication with early articles on the artists and sculptors Christo and Jeanne-Claude, the media company Insound, neo-fascist Austrian politician Jörg Haider, the rock band Frodus, reviews of books by David Guterson and Stuart O'Nan and photo series by Dutch artist André Thijssen.


Within two kilometers from Marfino is the manor of Nikolskoye-Prozorovskoye, which contains a Neo-Baroque country house of Field Marshal Prozorovsky and a Neoclassical church of St. Nicholas, built in the 1790s.

Louis Marie Cordonnier

There his neo-Flemish entry won a design competition against far more modern competitors like Hendrik Berlage and Otto Wagner.


Due to statical problems the construction was only completed in 1874 and the facade of the Maximilianeum which was originally planned also in neo-Gothic style had to be altered in renaissance style under the influence of Gottfried Semper.

New Athos

They selected Psyrtskha, and the Neo-Byzantine New Athos Monastery, dedicated to St. Simon the Canaanite, was constructed there in the 1880s with funds provided by Tsar Alexander III of Russia.

New Brunswick Route 1

However, the city, along with the provincial and federal governments, decided to bargain with the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) to purchase the majority of the Mill Street Yard near the neo-gothic Union Station for a highway alignment which would run through the middle of the city (somewhat like the infamous Interstate 93 alignment which was built through Boston).

Palace of the Fans

Designed in a neo-classic style reminiscent of Chicago's World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, the Palace featured an extravagant facade, with 22 hand-carved Corinthian columns with elaborate details at the top, and opera-style private boxes in front of the covered grandstand.

People's Houses

Notably these were built according to neo-Gothic style, as promoted by Augustus Pugin and John Ruskin: Pugin believed the harmonious style of the architecture could influence morality, while Ruskin in his book The Stones of Venice examined the architecture of the Italian Renaissance mercantile republics, believing it expressed the spirit of freedom.


Pontiak is an American neo-psychedelic rock band of three brothers from the Blue Ridge Mountain area of Virginia: Jennings Carney (bass, organ, vocals—born 1978, Washington DC), Van Carney (lead vocals, guitar—born 1980, Washington DC) and Lain Carney (drums, vocals—born 1982, Washington DC).

Pushkin House

In 1927 Pushkin House moved from the crammed rooms in the Academy of Sciences building to the magnificent neo-Palladian Customs House, built after Giovanni Francesco Lucchini's designs in 1829-32 and situated just around the Strelka.

Rhinoceros Party

He stated he named the new party (then under the name "neorhino") for the Rhinoceros Party and for Neo, the Matrix character.

Sanballat the Horonite

Eberhard Schrader, cited in Brown Driver Briggs, considered that the name in Neo-Assyrian Aramaic was Sîn-uballit, from the name of the Sumerian moon god Sîn meaning "Sîn has begotten." (The name of the moon god Sîn in the context of Sanballat's name has since been mistakenly confused with the unrelated English noun sin in some popular English commentaries on Nehemiah).

Ship Canal House

The building was designed by Harry S Fairhurst in a neo-classical style and displays some Art Deco and Edwardian Baroque motifs such as square windows and roof sculptures which were prevalent during the 1920s.

Sony Ericsson Xperia neo

The Xperia Neo has many of the same features found in the Xperia Arc and the Xperia Play including the mobile Sony Bravia engine and an 8-megapixel camera capable of recording 720p high-definition video.

Swiss rock

In the beginning of the 1990s, in Southern Switzerland (canton of Ticino) a very active neo-progressive rock scene produced two bands with world wide footprint: Clepsydra (InsideOut Music) and Shakary (SHK Records).

Tangophobia Vol. 1

It contains tracks from different neo-tango and electronic artists from Buenos Aires, including NeoShaft, B.A. Jam, Hybrid Tango and Tanghetto.

The eclipse of Darwinism

As a consequence of the debate over the viability of neo-Lamarckism in the 1890s, James Mark Baldwin, Henry Fairfield Osborne and C. Lloyd Morgan all independently proposed a mechanism where new learned behaviors could cause the evolution of new instincts and physical traits through natural selection without resort to the inheritance of acquired characteristics.


The church was partly rebuilt in neo-Norman style by Samuel Pepys Cockerell in 1792.

Universal dialectic

Universal dialectic is an ontological idea which is closely related to the Taoist and Neo-Confucian concept of taiji or "supreme ultimate." In the West, dialecticians including Hegel explored themes that some see as remarkably similar, laying the groundwork for unification.

William John Beattie

In both 1988 and 1989, Beattie organized neo-Nazi rallies on his property in Minden, Ontario.

Yamazaki Ansai

Also, Ansai was able to receive the secret teachings of the Yoshida and Ise Shinto traditions, which he would use in attempting to reconstruct a "pure Shinto", that would reflect the Way of Neo-Confucianism.