
unusual facts about Netherlandish

Anthony More

Antonis Mor (c. 1517–c. 1577), Netherlandish portrait painter

Antoine Brumel

Little is known about his early life, but he was probably born west of Chartres, perhaps in the town of Brunelles, near to Nogent-le-Rotrou, making him one of the first of the Netherlandish composers who was actually French.


Aelbrecht Bouts (c. 1452-1549), An early Netherlandish painter, son of Dirk

Hessel Miedema

The lives of the illustrious Netherlandish and German painters, from the first edition of the Schilder-boeck (1603-1604), preceded by the lineage, circumstances and place of birth, life and ..., from the second edition of the Schilder-boeck (1616-1618), 1994-1997 (Massive publication in 6 volumes; Volume 1 is the facsimile version of the original; volumes 2-5 are commentary volumes, and volume 6 is the cross-reference)

History of Dutch religion

The ruler of the Netherlandish regions, a devout Catholic, Philip II of Spain, felt it was his duty to fight Protestantism, and, after the wave of iconoclasm, sent troops to crush the rebellion and make the Low Countries a Catholic region once more.

Leonello d'Este, Marquis of Ferrara

Leon Battista Alberti wrote his De Re Aedificatoria under Leonello's commission, and at the Ferrarese court worked artists such as Pisanello, Iacopo Bellini, Giovanni da Oriolo, Andrea Mantegna, Piero della Francesca and the Netherlandish Rogier van der Weyden.

Madonna in the Church

However, following research from Meyer Schapiro, he revised his opinion to the late 1430s in the 1953 edition of his Early Netherlandish Painting.

Master of the Death of the Virgin

The Master of the Death of the Virgin, a Netherlandish painter of the sixteenth century

Scottish National Portrait Gallery

The gallery holds several works by Bronckhorst and his successor, Adrian Vanson; both were skilled painters in the Netherlandish tradition.

The Helsinki School

Examples of this abound, from the expressive naturalism and inventive compositions of the 15th century Netherlandish Schools to the Manhattan motifs and burly colors of the Ashcan School 500 years later.

Try to Remember

In 1971 Netherlandish singing duo Saskia & Serge had a national smash hit with their signature song 'Zomer in Zeeland', based on the music of 'Try to Remember'.

University of Otago Registry Building

They have their origins in Flemish and Netherlandish civic buildings of the late Middle Ages but in this revived, Victorian form are part of a family which includes A.W. N. Pugin’s for Scarisbrick Hall and the tower housing Big Ben on the Palace of Westminster.

see also