
11 unusual facts about New Age

Beverly Mortensen

Specific teaching interests include Temple cult and Hebrew Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls and New Age thought.

Dean Whiteway

One of his opponents was J.D. Lees, who was said to have suffered damage through rumours that he belonged to a New Age religious group.

Douglas Groothuis

During the late-1980s Groothuis emerged as a younger voice in Christian evangelicalism with two books that described and analyzed New Age spirituality: Unmasking the New Age and Confronting the New Age.

F. A. Mitchell-Hedges

A body of popular culture and New Age-mythology grew to surround Mitchell-Hedges' tales of the crystal skull, and it is through his association with this alleged artifact that Mitchell-Hedges is best known today.

Geraldine Innocente

Geraldine Innocente (died June 21, 1961) is the founder of a New Age church she named The Bridge to Freedom, which was established in 1951 by her and other Students of the Ascended Masters, after she received what was believed to be an Anointing to become a Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood in 1944.

Herkimer diamond

Many of the New York crystals are known for their extreme clarity, and Wiccan and New Age belief systems often ascribe specific occult properties and a wide variety of mystical powers to them.

Kathryn Mullen

While reprising this character for several Muppet movies, she also created the character of Mokey - a gentle, New Age style Fraggle - on Henson's Fraggle Rock.

Quiet Storms: Romances for Flute and Harp

Quiet Storms: Romances for Flute and Harp is a 1988 New Age album by Michael Hoppé.

Robia LaMorte

In an FAQ on that site, LaMorte writes that while she was once a proponent of New Age beliefs, she rejected them after her conversion to Christianity.


The nearby Capilla del Monte and the base of Uritorco attract many New Age supporters and tourists interested in the alleged mystical/energetic qualities of the mountain and other paranormal phenomena, and a local artisan industry has developed around this topic.

Will Black

He also outlines realities of ancient and modern Maya societies while satirising elements of New Age culture.

A.Z.M. Enayetullah Khan

His siblings include journalist and columnist Sadek Khan, poet Abu Zafar Obaidullah, former minister Selima Rahman, political leader Rashed Khan Menon MP, Senior Editor of Bdnews24.com, Amanullah Kabir and the publisher of New Age, Shahidullah Khan Badal.

Affirmative prayer

What sets affirmative prayer apart from secular affirmations of the autosuggestion type taught by the 19th century self-help author Émile Coué (whose most famous affirmation was "Every day in every way, I am getting better and better") is that affirmative prayer addresses the practitioner to God, the Divine, the Creative Mind, emphasizing the seemingly practical aspects of religious belief.

Boaz Huss

Huss' research interests cover the Zohar and its reception, modern and contemporary Kabbalah, Western Esotericism, and the New Age.

Christian countercult movement

Some also denounce non-Christian religions such as Islam, Wicca, Paganism, New Age groups, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other polytheistic religions.

Classics Vol 02

Classics 2 is the 2nd of 2 albums based on classic composers from Eric Lévi's French New Age group called Era, released in 2010 (see 2010 in music).

Destini Beard

She works mostly in Alternative and New Age music and is best known for her work with the group Midnight Syndicate.

First Earth Battalion

The First Earth Battalion was the name proposed by Lieutenant Colonel Jim Channon, a U.S. soldier who had served in Vietnam, for his idea of a new military of supersoldiers to be organized along New Age lines.

Hopi mythology

David Lanz and Paul Speer's 1987 New Age album Desert Vision has a track named "Tawtoma."

Imaginary Roads

Imaginary Roads is the seventh album by New Age guitarist William Ackerman.

In dulci jubilo

The New Age band Mannheim Steamroller also recorded a version for their 1988 Christmas album A Fresh Aire Christmas, using a dulcimer as the main instrument.

International Center of Parapsychology and Scientific Research of the New Age

The International Center of Parapsychology and Scientific Research of the New Age, generally known under the name of Horus (in reference to falcon-god Horus which was the emblem of the group), was a New Age-oriented new religious movement founded in France in 1989 by Marie-Thérèse Castano, and ended in April 1997.

Jon Brant

Brant performed with blues artist Lynne Jordan for several years in Chicago, then played for a few years with new age artist Nicholas Gunn.

Joshua David Stone

With the growing popularity of the World Wide Web, he also composed one of the more comprehensive websites on spirituality which has often been used as a point of reference on New Age topics.


A variety of writers and thinkers have found Kali an exciting figure for reflection and exploration, notably feminists and participants in New Age spirituality who are attracted to goddess worship.

Kerr Cuhulain

He is a frequent contributor to The Witches' Voice networking website, and has applied his abilities as an investigative journalist to the histories of several controversial individuals in the Neo-Pagan and New Age communities, such as John Todd and Michael Warnke.

Margaret Behan

In 2004, Margaret was approached by Jeanine Prevatt of the New Age Center for Sacred Studies to serve on the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.

Michael Hoppé

He signed New Age acts such as Vangelis, Jean Michel Jarre and Kitaro to the label as well as resigning ABBA and The Who.

Monica Sjöö

Sjöö was highly critical of many of the ideas and personages of the New Age movement, including Alice Bailey, J. Z. Knight and "Ramtha", and Gene Roddenberry for some of the ideas behind Star Trek.


According to some Ascended Master Teaching proponents such as Joshua David Stone, Sheldan Nidle, and Luis Prada, Sananda is the "galactic name" of Ascended Master Jesus, which he uses in his role as Commander-in-Chief of the Ashtar Command flying saucer fleet.

New Humanity

The New Humanity was British new age magazine founded in February 1975 by the Dutch writer Johan Henri Quanjer (1934 – 2001).


Pyramid energy was popularized in the early 1970s, particularly by New Age authors such as Patrick Flanagan (Pyramid Power: The Millennium Science, 1973), Max Toth and Greg Nielsen (Pyramid Power, 1974) and Warren Smith (Secret Forces of the Pyramids, 1975).

Rashed Khan Menon

His siblings include journalist and Columnist Sadek Khan,poet Abu Zafar Obaidullah, former minister Selima Rahman, journalist and ambassador to Burma A.Z.M. Enayetullah Khan and the publisher of New Age Shahidullah Khan Badal.

Tana Mana

Shankar recorded much of Tana Mana in 1983 with sound effects innovator Frank Serafine, but it remained unreleased until Peter Baumann, head of new age record label Private Music, became attached to the project.

TSR Records

Since its hey-day, TSR moved on from dance music to releasing mostly new age and smooth jazz music in the 1990s under the name Baja/TSR Records, including several Billboard chart-ranked albums of Nuevo Flamenco guitar music by Armik, Young & Rollins, NovaMenco, Behzad, and Luis Villegas.

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

Lead designer and programmer David Fox, consulted with New Age writer David Spangler, before Ron Gilbert and Matthew Alan Kane persuaded Fox to increase the humorous aspects of the game.