
3 unusual facts about F. A. Mitchell-Hedges

F. A. Mitchell-Hedges

A body of popular culture and New Age-mythology grew to surround Mitchell-Hedges' tales of the crystal skull, and it is through his association with this alleged artifact that Mitchell-Hedges is best known today.

However he published no mention of the skull until the late 1940s, not long after a crystal skull was auctioned off by Sydney Burney at Sotheby's in 1943.

Shari O'Donnell

Shari O'Donnell (born 1 May 1984) is an Irish actress known for playing Anna, daughter of F. A. Mitchell-Hedges in The Lost World of the Crystal Skull.

2010 San Bruno pipeline explosion

In October 2012, former Senator George J. Mitchell was chosen to lead talks in the settlement of fines in the explosion.

Adriatic Institute for Public Policy

Institute's executive board and research posts are occupied by leading free-market economists and business leaders, such as Edwin Meese III, John Blundell, Dr. Andrey Illarionov, Monica Macovei, Maurice McTigue, Ivan Mikloš, Dr. Alvin Rabushka, Dr. Daniel J. Mitchell and others.

Alexander C. Mitchell

Mitchell was elected as a Republican to the Sixty-second Congress and served from March 4, 1911, until his death in Lawrence, Kansas, July 7, 1911.

Alexander Mitchell

Alexander C. Mitchell (1860–1911), member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Kansas

Anne P. Mitchell

She joined Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS), the first formal anti-spam organization, as Director of Legal and Public Affairs.

Atlanta elections, 2009

There were three candidates for Council President: Ceasar C. Mitchell, Clair McLeod Muller, and Dave Gregory Walker.


Privet hedges (referred to as "evers") were planted along the pavements at the end of every front garden and during the spring and summer months a squad of gardeners were employed to keep them in regulation height.

Cedarville, Massachusetts

Cedarville is bounded to the north by Ellisville Road and Hedges Pond, to the south by the Town of Bourne, to the west by Little Herring Pond and Great Herring Pond, and to the east by Cape Cod Bay.

Charles Bridgeman

A contemporary of Bridgeman’s, Horace Walpole, describing his colleague’s design style in his essay On Modern Gardening, wrote: ‘though he still adhered much to strait walks with high clipt hedges, they were only his great lines; the rest he diversified by wilderness, and with loose groves of oak, though still within surrounding hedges’ (Amherst, 1896, p. 249).

Chris Hedges

Hedges appeared as a guest on an October 2011 episode of the CBC News Network's The Lang and O'Leary Exchange to discuss his support for the Occupy Wall Street protests and was criticized by co-host Kevin O'Leary for sounding "like a left-wing nutbar."

Daniel S. Mitchell

Born in 1838 in York County, Maine, Mitchell began his photographic career as an errand boy in a daguerreotype gallery in Maine at the age of nine.

Daniel Sedgley Mitchell is a famous photographer best known for his series of stereoscopic views of the Black Hills in 1876, his Indian portraits from the Red Cloud Agency in 1877, and his photographs of the Oklahoma Land Rush in 1889.

David V. Mitchell

When Mitchell, an only child, was three, the family moved to Berkeley, where he attended Berkeley High School.

Frank N. Mitchell

He attended Colorado College under the Navy V-12 program, and also attended Southwestern University and North Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College.

Fred Paul Hedges

Originally from Ewing, Illinois, Freddie Paul Hedges was a long-time friend of Grand Ole Opry star Billy Grammer who hired Hedges to help establish Grammer's newly formed guitar company.

Gorse in New Zealand

Introduced from Western Europe in the very early stages of European settlement, it was recorded by Charles Darwin during his voyage through New Zealand waters in 1835 as growing in hedges in the Bay of Islands.


Developed by William J. Mitchell and other team members at the Smart Cities project at the MIT Media Lab, the GreenWheel puts the motor and its batteries inside a housing that fits into the bicycle's wheel hub.


In mild climates, more exotic flowering hedges are formed, using Ceanothus, Hibiscus, Camellia, orange jessamine (Murraya paniculata), or lillypilly (Syzygium species).

Hinton Skydiving Centre

Hinton Skydiving Centre is a BPA affiliated parachuting centre and skydiving drop zone at the Hinton-in-the-Hedges Airfield, on the west side of Hinton-in-the-Hedges, Northamptonshire, England.

International Controls Corporation

Vesco wanted Richard Nixon's Attorney General John N. Mitchell to intercede on his behalf with SEC chairman William J. Casey, and in April 1972 he sent his counsel, former New Jersey State Senator Harry L. Sears, along with ICC president Lawrence Richardson, to deliver a cash contribution of $200,000 to Maurice Stans, finance chairman for the Committee to Re-elect the President.

Italian-American Civil Rights League

The group then turned its attention to what it perceived as cultural slights against Italian-Americans, using boycott threats to force Alka-Seltzer and The Ford Motor Company to withdraw television commercials the league objected to, and also got United States Attorney General John Mitchell to order the United States Justice Department to stop using the word "Mafia" in official documents and press releases.

James G. Mitchell

He was head of research and development for Acorn Computers (U.K.), where he managed the development of the first ARM RISC chip and was President of the Acorn Research Centre in Palo Alto, California.

James S. Mitchell

Mitchell was elected as a Republican to the Seventeenth Congress, reelected as a Jackson Republican to the Eighteenth Congress, and elected as a Jacksonian to the Nineteenth Congress.

Jim Mitchell

James G. Mitchell, commonly known as Jim Mitchell, (born 1943), Canadian computer scientist

John H. Mitchell

During his law practice in Oregon, Mitchell did some legal work for a client named Marcus Neff.

John L. Mitchell

During the American Civil War he served as a 1st lieutenant in the 24th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment.

John M. Mitchell

He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1898 to the Fifty-sixth Congress.

Julian P. Mitchell

Apart from his livelihood, he was interested only in serious literature, such as Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray.

Lasdon Park and Arboretum

William and Mildred Lasdon Memorial Garden (0.4 ha / 1 acre) - an entrance court with a fragrance garden; a formal garden with boxwood hedges, heather, flowering annuals and bulbs, and a central fountain; and a synoptic garden featuring hundreds of shrubs whose names represent every letter in the alphabet, from "A" (Abelia) through "Z" (Zenobia).

Matt Karchner

He also told baseball investigator George J. Mitchell that one of the players had injected the steroids into the other player's buttocks, and then injected them into his own body.

Matthew Deady

In 1874, in a district court case, Deady ruled in favor of Marcus Neff in a lawsuit against Sylvester Pennoyer concerning unpaid legal fees to John H. Mitchell and a sheriff's auction of Neff's land to Pennoyer.

Mitchell v. Forsyth

In 1970, John N. Mitchell, Attorney General, authorized a warrantless wiretap for the purpose of gathering intelligence regarding the activities of a radical group that had made tentative plans to take actions threatening the Nation's security.

Oretown, Oregon

In 1877, settlers James B. Upton and S. H. Rock petitioned Senator John H. Mitchell asking for a mail route to Grand Ronde and a post office.

Peter D. Mitchell

His hypothesis was confirmed by the discovery of ATP synthase, a membrane-bound protein that uses the potential energy of the electrochemical gradient to make ATP.

Peter Hedges

Hedges was born in West Des Moines, Iowa, where he was raised, the son of Carole, a psychotherapist, and the Rev. Robert B. Hedges, a retired Episcopalian minister.

Quentin Thomas

He led the team supporting Ministers in the 1996-98 roundtable talks, chaired by United States Senator George Mitchell, which culminated in the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

Rebecca Litchfield

She completed her initial education at Barrow Hedges Primary School, secondary school at Greenshaw High School and Wallington Girls sixth form.

Reference Daily Intake

The RDA was developed during World War II by Lydia J. Roberts, Hazel Stiebeling and Helen S. Mitchell, all part of a committee established by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences to investigate issues of nutrition that might "affect national defense" (Nestle, 35).

Richard G. Mitchell

Aside from composing original scores for Film, Mitchell has scored music for Theatre Productions and Live Events which include the Opening Ceremony for Euro '96 at Wembley Stadium. He was commissioned to write the score for one-man theatre show Ousama with Nadim Sawalha directed by Corin Redgrave at the Brixton Shaw Theatre, and a jazz suite for the Francis Bacon Retrospective Exhibition at the Tate Britain in 2008.

Ricky Stone

On December 13, 2007, Stone was included in the detailed Mitchell Report by Senator George Mitchell in which he was alleged to have used steroids throughout his career.

Robert A. Altman

Altman is known for having several former high level members of the Democratic Party of his acquaintance including Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe,Former United States House of Representatives Majority Whip Tony Coelho, and Former Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell of Maine.

Robert W. Mitchell

Robert W. Mitchell (born April 25, 1933 in Wellington, Texas—died March 18, 2010 in San Antonio, Texas) was an American invertebrate zoologist and photographer.

Royal Corinthian Yacht Club

Tiny Mitchell, Commodore of the Royal Corinthian in Burnham wanted to sail his 6 metre in the Solent and he bought the building from Rosa's estate, and set up the Southern branch.

Sharon Blady

Blady grew up in the neighbourhood of St. James-Assiniboia in Winnipeg, where she attended Buchanan School, Hedges Junior High School, and Collège Silver Heights Collegiate.

Sir Cecil Bishopp, 6th Baronet

His son, Cecil, became the eighth baronet and succeeded to the title of 12th Lord Zouche, of Haryngworth on 27 August 1815, after establishing his claim to this title through the families of Hedges, Tate and Zouche.

Susan L. Mitchell

He died when she was six years old and she was sent to Dublin to be educated, while her mother, Kate (née Cullen, a prominent family from Manorhamilton), moved to Sligo in order to have her sons educated there.

UK Unionist Party

The UKUP (and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)) refused to accept US Senator George Mitchell as chairman of the multi-party talks and tried to obstruct him in the undertaking of his tasks.

William A. Mitchell

William A. "Bill" Mitchell (October 21, 1911 – July 26, 2004) was an American food chemist who, while working for General Foods Corporation between 1941 and 1976, was the key inventor behind Pop Rocks, Tang, quick-set Jell-O, Cool Whip, and powdered egg whites.

see also