
unusual facts about New Covenant

Melito of Sardis

Melito presented elaborate parallels between the Old Testament or Old Covenant, which he likened to the form or mold, and the New Testament or New Covenant, which he likened to the truth that broke the mold, in a series of Eklogai, six books of extracts from the Law and the Prophets presaging Christ and the Christian faith.

see also

David H. Stern

Stern's major work is the Complete Jewish Bible, his English translation of the Tanakh and New Testament (which he, like many Messianic Jews, refers to as the "B'rit Hadashah", from the Hebrew term ברית חדשה, often translated "new covenant", used in Jeremiah 31).

Faith and Action

In August 1994, President Rev. Rob Schenck moved from Tonawanda (Buffalo area), New York where he served as Minister of Missions and Evangelism at the New Covenant Tabernacle to Washington D.C. to begin an outreach to policy makers.

Glossary of Christianity

New Testament (sometimes called the "new covenant") - translation of the Greek καινή διαθήκη.

New Covenant Ministries International

Around this time Coastlands International Christian Centre (Adelaide) functioned as an unofficial headquarters and regional base for Australasia, with Southlands Church International (Los Angeles) and New Covenant Church (Bryanston) as regional bases for North America and southern Africa respectively.

Psalm 2

#Yalkut (13th century), Section 621 On verse 7: R. Huna said in the name of R. Idi, In three parts were the punishments divided: one for King Messiah, and when His hour cometh the Holy One, blessed be He, saith, I must make a new covenant with Him, and so He saith, To-day have I begotten thee.

Tony Crunk

Crunk's 2010 New Covenant Bound is a collection of poems inspired by the displacement between 1935 and 1969 of some 20,000 inhabitants from the area between the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers in western Kentucky and Tennessee.