
unusual facts about New World Order

Fourth Reich of the Rich

Fourth Reich of the Rich is a conspiracy book by Christian writer Des Griffin about the New World Order.


Other theorists contend that a variety of historical events from Waterloo, the French Revolution, President John F. Kennedy's assassination to an alleged communist plot to hasten the New World Order by infiltrating the Hollywood film industry, were all orchestrated by the Illuminati.

Irvin Baxter, Jr.

He also said that the Berlin Wall would be torn down, Germany would be reunited, and that these events would be the catalyst which would inaugurate a permanent New World Order.

Jan Udo Holey

He believes the Rothschilds head a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world and associates them with a mysterious cabal called the Illuminati, who plan a New World Order.

Mark Dice

Mark Dice is an American author, political activist and conspiracy theorist based in San Diego, California, who professes beliefs about the New World Order and secret societies stemming from the Illuminati, Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove.

Mike Enos

Perhaps Enos’ biggest claim to fame in WCW was being in the ring wrestling against Steve Doll on the May 27, 1996 episode of WCW Monday Nitro when Scott Hall made his WCW debut, planting the seeds for the New World Order.

Serge Monast

In the early 1990s, he started writing on the theme of the New World Order and conspiracies hatched by secret societies, being particularly inspired by the works of William Guy Carr.

The Latino World Order

The name of the stable was invented by Jason Hervey and was inspired by and intended as a mockery of the famous New World Order (nWo).

see also

Bamidele Ojo

His book, Human Rights and the New World Order, is used by the United Nations University International Human Rights Course.

Christopher Murney

His voice can be heard as Chester Cheetah for Cheetos and most recently (2006) in the popular video games, as Dwayne from VCPR New World Order talk radio in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories by Rockstar Games, and as Black Garius, the bad guy, in Neverwinter Nights 2, and as various characters in Red Dead Revolver.

Fascist Legacy

The documentary's cynical conclusion is Churchills quote about "the better tomorrow with a new world order."

Georgia Guidestones

The monument is also featured in the "New World Order" episode of the History Channel series America Unearthed.

Mehrdad Izady

"The Geopolitical Realities of Kurdistan vs. Hopes for a New World Order" in Altered States: A Reader in the New World Order, Edited by Phyllis Bennis, Michel Moushabeck, Interlink Pub Group Inc, pp. 538, 1998.

Pound sterling in Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania

The British victory at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 heralded the beginning of a new world order in which Britain would be the supreme world power for the next one hundred years.

Scott Norton

"Tear It Up" by Jimmy Hart and H. Helm (WCW; Used while a part of the New World Order)

The New Patriotism Series

The New Patriotism Series is a project embarked upon by the Orion Society on the Thoughts on America Initiative to present the events of September 11 attacks and the emerging "new world order" through the eyes of several writers including Wendell Berry, Barry Lopez, Terry Tempest Williams, Richard Nelson, and David James Duncan.

Toronto Street News

Brean cited several articles published by the paper, including a claim Liberal party member Bob Rae had secretly changed his name from "Levine" (to conceal the fact that he is actually Jewish) and a claim that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's real birthday is the same as Adolf Hitler, which the paper claimed “looks good on a resume” for “New World Order types.”

What is America?: A Short History of the New World Order

: A Short History of the New World Order (ISBN 9781921351501) Ronald Wright continues the thread begun in A Short History of Progress by examining what he calls "the Columbian Age" and consequently the nature and historical origins of modern American imperium.