In addition, Mr. Rich has done numerous press conferences with various public figures such as Florida Governor Jeb Bush and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
Gingrich, Newt, and Forstchen, William R., Never Call Retreat: Lee and Grant: The Final Victory, Thomas Dunne Books, 2005, ISBN 0-312-34298-5.
Students and professors dine together at dinners each evening and hear lectures by world-renowned leaders such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu or former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
Chicago celebrates its Polish Heritage every Labor Day weekend at the Taste of Polonia Festival in Jefferson Park, attended by such political notables as President George H. W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Hadassah Lieberman, Congresswoman Melissa Bean, and Tipper Gore.
Incumbent Republican Congressman Johnny Isakson, elected in a 1999 special election to replace the former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, sought his third term in this highly conservative district based in the northern suburbs of Atlanta.
Like other Democratic candidates around the country, Torricelli tried to portray "Zig-Zag Zimmer" as a clone of House Speaker Newt Gingrich and flip flopping on his positions on issues like Medicare, gun control and an increase in the minimum wage during the campaign.
Other well-known advocates of the anticipatory approach include Newt Gingrich, Heidi Toffler, K. Eric Drexler, and Robin Hanson.
DeMuth presided over the institute as a number of high-profile scholars joined AEI, including Charles Murray, Dinesh D'Souza, Richard and Lynne Cheney, Michael Barone, James K. Glassman, Newt Gingrich, Karl Zinsmeister, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
H.R. 1151 was introduced to the 105th United States Congress by Congressman Newt Gingrich (R-GA).
Yergin interviewed many high profile people including Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Gordon Brown, Newt Gingrich, and Robert Rubin, as well as prominent economists.
Other advisers include former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, former NASA Space Shuttle manager Wayne Hale, author and aeronautical engineer Homer Hickam, and former governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson.
A group of conservative Republicans in both houses of Congress, including Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey, Henry Hyde and Rick Santorum, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children both argued for affirming the conviction, pointing to the invaluable nature of undercover investigations in fighting child pornography, worrying that requiring reasonable suspicion beforehand could make such operations impossible.
Returning in the 1990s to be Mother Jones’ editor-in-chief, Klein directed exposes of Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, the top 400 political contributors in the U.S. and Donald Sipple, the Republican's star image-maker.
The next month, Aguillard hosted a campaign event on the LC campus for former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, who was then seeking the Republican presidential nomination subsequently won by Mitt Romney of Massachusetts.
But, Green's 108-page judgment had supported the FEC in two instances; when the Christian Coalition had broken FEC guidelines in their explicit advocacy of the re-election of Newt Gingrich; and when the Christian Coalition had handed over their membership list to Senate candidate Oliver North.
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and Musician Katrina Leskanich of Katrina and the Waves are among the better known alumni of the school.
A graduate of St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland, George worked for the Republican National Committee and, following the 1994 midterm elections, Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich.
In Congress, Walker was an outspoken conservative and allied himself with fellow conservatives Newt Gingrich, Bob Dornan and Trent Lott and the Conservative Opportunity Society.
It is satirically critical of 1990s right-wing political figures such as Pat Buchanan, Bob Dole, Phil Gramm, Newt Gingrich, and particularly radio host Rush Limbaugh.
The Forgotten Man has been praised by Republican politicians such as Newt Gingrich, Rudolph Giuliani, Mark Sanford, Jon Kyl, and Mike Pence.
However, the fact that Carol and Susan's ceremony was officiated by Candace Gingrich, a gay-rights activist and sister to conservative Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich did draw some media attention, as the casting was perceived as a comment on the Republican Party's anti-gay rights stance and the "Contract with America" platform.
After the Republican revolution of 1994 Duke appealed to Speaker Newt Gingrich to help him open a low budget, privatized orphanage in Aspen called "Nothin' But Orphans".
The Task Force came into being in January 2005, co-chaired by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Senate Majority Leader, George J. Mitchell.
In 2009, AEP CEO Michael G. Morris contributed $100,000 to Newt Gingrich's American Solutions for Winning the Future, which supports increased oil drilling and opposes mandatory limits on greenhouse gas pollution.
Vucanovich positioned herself early in her House career as a conservative leader, having aligned herself with a group of members such as Newt Gingrich, Bob Walker and Vin Weber who were not content with minority status.
Union Mills plays a central role in Gettysburg: A Novel of the Civil War, a 2003 alternate history novel written by Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen.