He explained his problems with Parlato in a post written for Roger Ebert's blog on the Chicago Sun-Times's website.
Since its launch, the paper's reporting on a wide variety of topics has been cited or linked to by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, along with magazines like Editor & Publisher and the Columbia Journalism Review, and web outlets including Salon.
Hudson has also written four books: Niagara Falls Confidential, Mob Boss, Jetsam, and Diary of a Punk (the latter is a memoir of his years as the leader of the 1970s Cleveland, Ohio-based punk rock band The Pagans).
Niagara Falls | Great Falls, Montana | Wichita Falls, Texas | reporter | Niagara River | The Hollywood Reporter | Klamath Falls, Oregon | Great Falls | Niagara Peninsula | Niagara | Idaho Falls, Idaho | Wichita Falls | Sioux Falls, South Dakota | Red Lake Falls, Minnesota | Red Lake Falls | Falls Church, Virginia | Bellows Falls, Vermont | Niagara Falls, Ontario | Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin | Niagara Falls, New York | Jones Falls | Fort Niagara | Victoria Falls | Seneca Falls, New York | Niagara Escarpment | Menomonee Falls | Buffalo Niagara International Airport | Reichenbach Falls | Redwood Falls, Minnesota | Idaho Falls |