But tenants were limited, and the half-finished development was eventually sold to Burford Group plc, led by Nick Leslau and Nigel Wray.
Thanks to his friend Tom Hunter, Leslau became interested in solving the world's problems: in 2006 they had a working holiday in Ayacucho, Peru; in 2007 to Malawi to help build an orphanage.
After Knutsford; in February 2001 Leslau set up private company Prestbury Investment Holdings, funded by HBOS and Sir Tom Hunter, with whom he has since done a number of Scottish based joint ventures with Hunter's West Coast Capital.
The intention was to acquire a retail business to take advantage of the retailing skills of Norman (the former Chairman of Asda) and Richer, who had built up the dynamic retail group Richer Sounds.
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