
4 unusual facts about Nick Leslau

London Trocadero

But tenants were limited, and the half-finished development was eventually sold to Burford Group plc, led by Nick Leslau and Nigel Wray.

Nick Leslau

Thanks to his friend Tom Hunter, Leslau became interested in solving the world's problems: in 2006 they had a working holiday in Ayacucho, Peru; in 2007 to Malawi to help build an orphanage.

After Knutsford; in February 2001 Leslau set up private company Prestbury Investment Holdings, funded by HBOS and Sir Tom Hunter, with whom he has since done a number of Scottish based joint ventures with Hunter's West Coast Capital.

The intention was to acquire a retail business to take advantage of the retailing skills of Norman (the former Chairman of Asda) and Richer, who had built up the dynamic retail group Richer Sounds.

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