BBC In Session is a compilation of four BBC sessions by The La's, containing the band's session appearances on radio shows hosted by Janice Long, Liz Kershaw, Bob Harris and Nicky Campbell.
The Big Questions is a faith and ethics television programme usually presented by Nicky Campbell.
Glen Campbell | Naomi Campbell | Bruce Campbell | Joseph Campbell | Alastair Campbell | Luther Campbell | Campbell Soup Company | Campbell Scott | Campbell | Martin Campbell | Fort Campbell | Eddie Campbell | Nicky Campbell | Malcolm Campbell | Campbell River, British Columbia | Campbell River | Vivian Campbell | Thomas Campbell | Robert Campbell | Ramsey Campbell | Nicky Hayden | Ken Campbell | John Campbell | Ben Nighthorse Campbell | Pete Campbell | Nicky Romero | Nicky Henderson | Neve Campbell | Menzies Campbell | Larry Campbell |
Virginia featured repeatedly as guests on BBC Radio, particularly Janice Long, Jonathan Ross, Gyles Brandreth, Nicky Campbell and Ned Sherrin, as well as TV appearances in Northern Ireland on the Kelly Show.
Foster joined the BBC Radio 5 Live Weekend Breakfast show on 23 April 2011, replacing Rachel Burden who moved to the weekday 5 Live Breakfast team alongside Nicky Campbell on 3 May.
He reported on Watchdog for three years, where he worked alongside Nicky Campbell, Julia Bradbury, and Paul Heiney(BBC1).