Ward featured in an episode of Pebble Mill at One that year, landing a Sea Harrier in a sports field next to the Pebble Mill Studios.
Tomba ejected from the Pucara at low-level before the aircraft crashed north-west of Drone Hill, Tomba was unhurt and walked back to Goose Green.
XZ451 of 700A Squadron) flown by Lieutenant Commander Nigel "Sharkey" Ward, which landed (and later took off) vertically, on the adjacent BBC Social Club's football pitch.
ward | Nigel Kennedy | Henry Ward Beecher | Ward | Ward Bond | Rachel Ward | Nigel Hawthorne | Ward Churchill | Nigel Planer | Hines Ward | Andre Ward | Nigel Mansell | Nigel Bond | M. Ward | Julia Ward Howe | William Ward | Ward Kimball | Charlie Ward | Warwick Ward | Nigel Parkinson | Nigel Lythgoe | Nigel Havers | Nigel Bruce | Joseph Ward | Ward (LDS Church) | Ward Burton | Sir Nigel | Pendleton Ward | Ninth Ward of New Orleans | Nigel Wright |