
unusual facts about Niklas Luhmann


Niklas Luhmann (German sociologist, and a prominent thinker in sociological systems theory.)

Michael Welker

He reached a wider audience with publications about the Spirit of God, creation (especially in dialog with the sciences), the role of the church in pluralistic societies, resurrection and the Protestant view of the Lord’s Supper, but also his work related to Alfred North Whitehead and process theology, to Niklas Luhmann and systems theory.

see also

Nils Brunsson

In 2007 Brunsson held the Niklas Luhmann Gastprofessur at Bielefeld University.

Rodrigo Jokisch

'Problems with Theory-Construction of Grand Theories: Niklas Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems - an Example', in: SysteMéxico, TEC de Monterrey, México D.F., Special Edition: The Autopoietic Turn: Luhmann’s Re-conceptualisation of the Social, p.