
unusual facts about No. 205 Group RAF

Tactical air force

This original tri-force consisted of No. 205 (Heavy Bomber) Group, Air Headquarters Western Desert, and No. 201 (Naval Cooperation) Group as the strategic, tactical, and coastal components, respectively.

31 Squadron SAAF

From 16 June 1944 the squadron started to move to the Celone airfield close to Foggia in southern Italy to join No. 205 Group RAF, RAF together with 178 and 614 RAF Squadrons.

No. 242 Group RAF

At Casablanca, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder persuaded American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and their staffs to establish an air force command structure based on the previously successful coordination of No. 205 (Heavy Bomber) Group, No. 201 (Naval Co-operation) Group, and AHQ Western Desert during the North African Campaign of 1942, primarily in Egypt and Libya.

see also