
2 unusual facts about Nobel Committee

Nobel Committee

The Nobel Committees for four of the prizes, physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and literature, are working bodies within their prize awarding institutions, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, and the Swedish Academy.

The Old Capital

The Old Capital was one of only three novels cited by the Nobel Committee in awarding the 1968 Prize for Literature to Kawabata.

Molecular Frontiers Foundation

The Molecular Frontiers Foundation (MFF) was founded under the auspices of the Nobel Foundation in 2007 by Bengt Nordén, a professor of physical chemistry at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden and the former chair of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry.

Nicolae Paulescu

"If the Nobel Committee in 1923 judged the entire persona of its laureate, then Hôtel Dieu in 2003 must do no less and conclude that Paulescu's brutal inhumanity nullifies any scientific merit" (Simon Wiesenthal Center letter to the French Minister of Health, Jean-François Mattéi, and the Romanian Ambassador in Paris).

see also

2011 Nobel Peace Prize

The five members of the Nobel Committee are appointed by the Norwegian Parliament to roughly reflect the party makeup of that body.

Ferid Murad

There was some criticism, however, of the Nobel committee's decision not to award the prize to Salvador Moncada, who had independently reached the same results as Ignarro.

Salvador Espriu

During his acceptance of the International Catalonia prize, renowned literary critic Harold Bloom called Espriu 'an extraordinary poet by any international standard', and later said 'The Nobel committee is guilty of many errors, and one of those was not to have given the prize to Salvador Espriu.