
10 unusual facts about Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel

Nobel and his parents returned to Sweden from Russia and Nobel devoted himself to the study of explosives, and especially to the safe manufacture and use of nitroglycerine (discovered in 1847 by Ascanio Sobrero, one of his fellow students under Théophile-Jules Pelouze at the University of Turin).

Facing the Flag

The character of Roch and his revolutionary powerful explosive might also have been be inspired by the real-life Alfred Nobel who invented dynamite and later reportedly regretted having introduced such a destructive force into the world.

Glen Canyon Park

The first commercial manufacturing of dynamite in the U.S. occurred in the canyon; on March 19, 1868, the Giant Powder Company began production at its first manufacturing plant, under exclusive license from Alfred Nobel to produce his new explosive in America.


There his son Alfred Nobel and Alfred's brothers experimented with the safe handling of the explosive nitroglycerin.

History of mining in Sardinia

About 1868 dynamite was introduced in Italy, invented the year before by the Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel.

Karlskoga Nobel Art scholarship

The Karlskoga Nobel Art Scholarship is an annual scholarship given to artists in memory of the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel.

Laurieston, Falkirk

Situated on the main street is Hawthorn Cottage, a nineteenth-century stone dwelling that was once owned by Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite and creator of the Nobel Prizes after his death.

Nobel Fire Systems

As the name suggests the company is one of the many that has its derivations from the explosives site founded in 1870 by the chemist and industrialist Alfred Nobel for the production of dynamite.

Penniman, Virginia

The new plant and the new town for the workers and families were named Penniman, in honor of Russell Sylvanus Penniman, an American chemist who is credited with the invention of ammonia dynamite in 1885, a safer form than the nitroglycerin used with Alfred Nobel's original formulation.

World Peace One

The World Peace One Global Leadership Council is chaired by Claes Nobel, grandson of Ludvig Nobel and grand nephew to Alfred Nobel, who established the Nobel Prizes.

Sveriges Riksbank

Following its third centennial in 1968, the Bank instituted the annual Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, which is awarded with the Nobel Prizes at the Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm, on 10 December, the anniversary of Nobel's death.

Théophile-Jules Pelouze

His student Ascanio Sobrero was the discoverer of nitroglycerin (1847), and another student, Alfred Nobel, was to take that discovery on to great heights in the form of commercial explosives including dynamite.