His father Stuart Gottlieb played four years as an offensive tackle with the Dallas Cowboys in the NFL.
Sidney Nolan | Nolan Ryan | Nolan Bushnell | Johann Gottlieb Fichte | Christopher Nolan | Gottlieb Daimler | Gottlieb Christoph Harless | Carl Gottlieb | Stephen Nolan | Harry Gottlieb | Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock | William F. Nolan | Rick Nolan | Mike Nolan | Louis Gottlieb | Lloyd Nolan | Kevin Nolan | John Philip Nolan | John Nolan (musician) | John Nolan | Johann Gottlieb Naumann | Johann Gottlieb Graun | Jessica Gottlieb | Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker | Ernest Gottlieb | Doug Gottlieb | David Nolan | Robert Gottlieb | Richard L. Nolan | Pat Nolan |