
2 unusual facts about Johann Gottlieb Fichte

Georg Hermes

Hermes himself was very largely under the influence of the Kantian and Fichtean ideas, and though in the philosophical portion of his Einleitung he criticizes both these thinkers severely, rejects their doctrine of the moral law as the sole guarantee for the existence of God, and condemns their restricted view of the possibility and nature of revelation, enough remained of purely speculative material to render his system obnoxious to his church.

Johann Gottlieb Fichte

Fichte was placed in the family of Pastor Krebel at Niederau near Meissen and there received thorough grounding in the classics.

Addresses to the German Nation

The Addresses to the German Nation (Reden an die deutsche Nation, 1808) is a political literature book by German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte that advocates German nationalism in reaction to the occupation and subjugation of German territories by Napoleon's French Empire.

Jean Beaufret

His early philosophical interests were in 19th century German philosophy, particularly GWF Hegel, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, and Karl Marx.

Johann Gottfried Schadow

His busts, of which there are more than one hundred, include seventeen colossal heads in the Walhalla, Ratisbon; Goethe, Wieland, and Fichte were modelled from life.

José Gaos

He translated to the Spanish books of philosophers like Martin Heidegger, John Dewey, Søren Kierkegaard, G. W. F. Hegel, Max Scheler, Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Edmund Husserl.

Lindenhof hill

Among the prominent historical visitors are Casanova, Goethe, Johannes von Müller, Herzog Charles Augustus, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Anne Louise Germaine de Staël, Schlegel, Johann Ludwig Uhland, Franz Liszt, Richard Wagner und Brahms.


For him and for Ernst Moritz Arndt (1769–1860) and Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762–1814), German Volkstum was a revolutionary source not only against the foreign domination of Napoleonic France, but also against dynasties and the church, with the word Enlightenment becoming less and less used.

see also