
unusual facts about Non-philosophy


Non-philosophy is a concept developed by French philosopher François Laruelle (formerly of the Collège international de philosophie and the University of Paris X: Nanterre).

A Secular Humanist Declaration

Alastair Hannay (professor of philosophy, University of Trondheim)

Adolf Friedrich von Reinhard

He won first prize from the Prussian Academy of Sciences for La Système de Mr. Pope sur la perfection du monde comparé à celui de Mr. Leibniz (1755), a critique of the philosophy of Alexander Pope, Leibniz and Christian Wolff.

Ahmed Majdalani

Majdalani is a professor of philosophy and cultural studies for Birzeit University located north of Ramallah.

Antoni Serra Serra

He was in the Convent of Saint Francis of Pauoa of Palma and was a Reader of philosophy and theology, Visitor, Mallorca's Order of Minims General and Provincial Vicar Inquisition Qualifier; Postulator in 1739 of the cause of beatification of Catherine Thomas.

Augusto Del Noce

He completed his degree in Philosophy in 1932 at the University of Turin, with a dissertation on Malebranche under the direction of Adolfo Faggi.

Bambi Sheleg

Sheleg earned a BA in Jewish history and English literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and studied Jewish philosophy at the Shalom Hartman Institute.

Benson Mates

Benson Mates (May 19, 1919, Portland, Oregon – May 14, 2009, Berkeley, California) was an American philosopher, noted for his work in logic, the history of philosophy, and skepticism.

Brian Weatherson

He runs a philosophy-themed blog, "Thoughts, Arguments, and Rants" and is a contributing member of the political blog Crooked Timber.

Carolingian Schools

Through the influence of Alcuin, Theodulf, Lupus and others, the Carolingian revival spread to Reims, Auxerre, Laon and Chartres, where even before the schools of Paris had come into prominence, the foundations of scholastic theology and philosophy were laid.

Chin Liew Ten

Before taking up his appointments at the National University of Singapore, he was Professor of Philosophy (Personal Chair) and Acting Head of the School of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Bioethics at Monash University, Australia.

Coleman v Attridge Law

Then is cited Ronald Dworkin's philosophy on what it means to protect dignity, that it is a fundamental value for everyone, even among those who disagree about how it is realised.

David Trick

Trick holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts from York University, a Master of Arts from Brandeis University, a Master of Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science from the University of Toronto.

Deng Ming-Dao

He studied qigong, philosophy, meditation, and internal martial arts with Taoist master Kwan Saihung for thirteen years, and studied with two other masters before that.

Diomede Falconio

Falconio taught philosophy at St. Bonaventure's College and Seminary in Alleghany from 1865 to 1871, serving as its President from 1868 to 1869.

Dorothee Sölle

Sölle studied theology, philosophy and literature at the University of Cologne, earning a doctorate with a thesis on the connections between theology and poetry.


Magee, Bryan, The Story of Philosophy, New York: DK Publishing, Inc., 1998, ISBN 0-7894-3511-X


Jerry Fodor (born 1935), American author and philosopher concerned with philosophy of mind and cognitive science, husband of the above

Gaston Bachelard

He was a professor at Dijon from 1930 to 1940 and then became the inaugural chair in history and philosophy of the sciences at the Sorbonne.

George Blewett

He studied at the University of Würzburg in 1899 and received a Ph.D. in philosophy in 1900 from Harvard University.

Giovanna Borradori

In her anthology, Recoding Metaphysics: The New Italian Philosophy, Borradori presented late 20th-century Italian thinkers, such as Gianni Vattimo, Massimo Cacciari, Mario Perniola,and Emanuele Severino, to the American audience.

Hayk Gyulikekhvyan

He studied at Leipzig and Zurich universities, then finished the department of philosophy of Heidelberg University.

Hindu philosophy

However, medieval philosophers like Vidyāraṇya classify Indian philosophy into sixteen schools, where schools belonging to Saiva, Pāṇini and Raseśvara thought are included with others, and the three Vedantic schools Advaita, Vishishtadvaita and Dvaita (which had emerged as distinct schools by then) are classified separately.

Jasmine Cresswell

Cresswell received a Bachelor's degree in history and philosophy from Melbourne University, a degree in history from Macquarie University, and a Masters Degree in history and archival administration from Case Western Reserve University.


Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pontifical University of Philosophy and Religion, Pune, India

Johan Adler Salvius

In 1612 he started his studies in Uppsala, but also visited the Protestant universities of Rostock and Helmstedt where he studied philosophy.

John W. N. Watkins

The Unity of Popper's Thought. In Paul A. Schilpp (ed.): The Philosophy of Karl Popper, Book I. La Salle, Illinois 1974 (Open Court), ISBN 0-87548-141-8, pp.

Jorie Graham

She studied philosophy at the Sorbonne, but was expelled for participating in student protests.

Jurek Becker

After completing his national service in the East German army in the 1950s, during which time he became firm friends with the actor Manfred Krug, Becker studied philosophy in East Berlin but was expelled for expressing non-conformist views.

Ksenija Atanasijević

An excellent student, she decided to pursue an academic career in philosophy and soon after graduation, began working on a doctoral thesis on Giordano Bruno's De triplici minimo.

Lewis Benson

T. Canby Jones, onetime Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Wilmington College, and author of George Fox's Attitude Toward War and "The Power of the Lord Is Over All": The Pastoral Letters of George Fox, said,

Los Angeles Review of Books

Section editors include Cecil Castellucci (Young Adult Fiction), Gabrielle Calvocoressi and Claudia Rankine (Poetry), Arne De Boever (Philosophy & Theory), Costica Bradatan (Religion & Comparative Studies), Rob Latham (SF), Michele Pridmore-Brown and Ross Andersen (Science), Jeffrey Wasserstrom and Megan Shank (Asia), Ben Schwartz (Comics), Franklin Bruno (Music), and Boris Dralyuk (Noir).

Manoj Das

His deeper quest led him to mysticism and he has been an inmate of Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Puducherry since 1973 where he currently teaches English Literature and the Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo at the Sri Aurobindo International University.

Miodrag Perišić

He received a BA degree in philosophy at Belgrade University's Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy.

Nader Khalili

Khalili wrote books on his architectural philosophy & techniques as well as translations of poetry from Rumi, the poet he considered instrumental in his design inspiration.

Opus Dei: An Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church

Paul Baumann of Washington Monthly states: "has earned a reputation for balanced, informed reporting. He does not simply reflect the leanings of the liberal weekly paper that is his primary outlet. Here, that reputation gives credence to much of what Opus Dei members tell him in defending the group's philosophy and practices. In that sense, Allen may be too liberal for his own good."

P. M. Forni

Forni received his undergraduate degree in Letters and Philosophy from the University of Pavia and his Ph.D. in Italian literature from UCLA.

Pádraig Mac Fhearghusa

He graduated from University College Dublin in 1970 with a BA in Irish, history and philosophy and obtained a Higher Diploma in Education from Trinity College, Dublin, in 1971.

Peter Mayo

He sits on the Editorial Advisory Boards of several international journals including International Journal of Lifelong Education (Taylor & Francis), Journal of Transformative Education (Sage), Policy Futures in Education (Symposium), Encylopaideia (ClueB, Bologna) and Educational Philosophy and Theory (Wiley-Blackwell).

Postmodern philosophy

Postmodern philosophy also drew from the world of the arts and architecture, particularly Marcel Duchamp, John Cage and artists who practiced collage, and the architecture of Las Vegas and the Pompidou Centre.

Risteard De Hindeberg

He pursued further studies in Germany at the universities of Greifswald and Freiburg, where he was awarded a Doctorate in Philosophy.

Sarjana Muda

10.Bangunlah Putra Putri Pertiwi (Awaken Sons & Daughters of the (mother)land) - A nationalistic song referencing three aspects of Indonesian national identity, Garuda, the winged bird, Pancasila, the national philosophy, and the Indonesian flag

Technological University of Pereira

The university offers studies in Engineering (Industrial engineering, Systems engineering and Computer science, Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering); Science and Technology (Veterinary medicine, Medicine, Chemical technology, Industrial chemistry, Environmental management); Liberal arts (English, Spanish language and Literature, philosophy, Communication and Computer Education); Child pedagogy; and Sports science and recreation.

The Consolation of Philosophy

Boethius is also referenced in the 2002 film 24 Hour Party People, when Tony Wilson's character is recited an excerpt of "The Consolation of Philosophy" by a panhandler to whom he has just given pocket change.


Yet the proliferation of 20th Century post-modernist views dismissing the transcendentals as a serious area of philosophy did bring forth a number of influential philosophers such as G.K. Chesterton, Edith Stein, C.S. Lewis and Peter Kreeft, whose writings develop and re-propose truth, beauty and goodness as the universal aspirations of humanity, seeking an infinite good.

Valentin Turchin

In 1990, together with Cliff Joslyn and Francis Heylighen, he founded the Principia Cybernetica Project, a worldwide organization devoted to the collaborative development of an evolutionary-cybernetic philosophy.

Veronica Buckley

In 1979 she graduated from the University of Canterbury with first class honours in French with philosophy, and was awarded a postgraduate scholarship in cultural and social history at the University of London.

Vladimir Bazarov

Bazarov also became interested in philosophy during the first decade of the 20th Century, coming to reject Marx's formulaic dialectical materialism in favor of the use of the scientific method to observe and theorize about human behavior, as espoused by the Austrian Ernst Mach and the German-Swiss philosopher Richard Avenarius.


Jack Dorsey, the billionaire founder of Twitter and Square is known to evangelize the Wabi-sabi philosophy of design.

Willy Decker

Decker was born in Pulheim near Cologne and was educated first at the Rheinischen Musikschule in Cologne where he studied violin and later at the University of Cologne and the Hochschule für Musik Köln where he studied philosophy, theatre, music, and singing.


Xfce originally was an abbreviation for XForms Common Environment; ubuntu has a meaning of approximately "humanity towards others" in various Bantu languages.

see also