
3 unusual facts about Norbert Smith – a Life

Norbert Smith – a Life

Mozart – Man of Music (1957), a historical costume drama.

Enfield would later play an affectionate parody of Mandela in his sketch show Harry & Paul.

Although the title hints at Rebel Without a Cause, this excerpt is more a parody of pre-war British films, with a strong moralising tone, and possibly with a touch of The Blue Lamp.

Anthony Burgess: A Life

Anthony Burgess: A Life is the title of a biography of the novelist and critic Anthony Burgess (1917-93) by Roger Lewis.

Chaplin: A Life

An ex-London street urchin, Chaplin used humor to creatively transform real life boyhood experiences of homelessness into his screen character's picaresque adventures as the streetwise Little Tramp.

Joseph Banks: A Life

The biography covers Banks' life including his voyages to Newfoundland and the most famous episode, the three-year voyage of the HM Bark Endeavour, captained by James Cook.

Mark Dunn

Dunn seems to be particularly interested in constrained writing, with Ella Minnow Pea being a "progressively lipogrammatic" epistolary novel, and Ibid: A Life, comprised entirely from the endnotes of a fictional "lost" biography.

Necronomicon Press

Necronomicon Press published critical works by such pioneering Lovecraft scholars as Dirk W. Mosig, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Kenneth W. Faig and S. T. Joshi, including Joshi's biography, H. P. Lovecraft: A Life (1996).

Robert Frost: A Life

Robert Frost: A Life is a 2000 biography of the American poet Robert Frost written by Jay Parini.

Kirkus Reviews "For the 125th anniversary of the poets birth, here is neither hagiography nor pathography. Parini's life magnificently details how Frost, through fortitude and lifelong dedication to craft, sought to heed his own advice to be whole again beyond confusion."

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