
unusual facts about Northern Islands

Northern Islands

Northern Islands Municipality, one of the four main political divisions of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

see also

Australian Golden Whistler

Fiji Whistler (Pachycephala graeffii) from central and northern islands in Fiji.

Itbayat, Batanes

The municipality's jurisdiction includes not just the island of Itbayat, the largest of the Batanes Islands, but also the rest of the northern islands of the group: Diogo, Siayan, Mabudis, North, and Y'ami Islands, the northernmost island of the Philippine archipelago.

Livar Nysted

Growing up next to the North Atlantic Ocean in the small fishing village Hvannasund in the island Viðoy, which is one of the Northern Islands in the Faroe Islands the ocean was a natural part of daily life.


Oyggjatíðindi first started as a part of Norðlýsið - the local newspaper from Norðoyggjar (the Northern Islands) with base in Klaksvík which later developed and became the local newspaper for the island Eysturoy in collaboration with Norðlýsið.