The Battle of Carham was a battle between the Kingdom of Scotland and a local force of Northumbrians at Carham on Tweed in 1018 or possibly 1016.
In 1016 or 1018 the Battle of Carham between the Kingdom of Scotland and the Northumbrians resulted in a Scottish victory.
A war between the Picts and the Northumbrians is reported, during which Æthelbald, King of Mercia, took advantage of the absence of Eadberht to ravage his lands The reason for the war is unclear, but Woolf suggests that it was related to the killing of Earnwine.
The Northumbrians were lured by a feigned flight in the mountains and Ecgfrith was then slain at the Battle of Nechtansmere, located at either Dunnichen in Angus or Dunachton in Badenoch.
Later in 829, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Egbert received the submission of the Northumbrians at Dore (now a suburb of Sheffield); the Northumbrian king was probably Eanred.