During his exile, Šušak was associated with Croatian Franciscans in Canada, especially with their mission in Norval, which was politically active.
Norval is believed to take its name from the Scottish play Douglas by poet John Home.
He made his first appearance at Drury Lane on 1 October 1827 as Norval in Home's Douglas, but his continued failure to achieve popularity led him to leave London in the spring of 1828 for the provinces.
Norval Stephens of the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation led the effort to establish the hotline.
Norval Jones (October 10, 1926 – February 12, 2008) was an American WW II Sailor who with 27 other men with the average age of 72 years, made history in the winter of 2000 and 2001 when they sailed a WWII LST across the Atlantic from the island of Crete, Greece to Mobile, Alabama to restore as a living museum.
Norval later claimed to have been a captain in the Royal Marines.
At the beginning of the novel, Dr. Norval is a prominent figure in New England; his influence and financial support provide positions in Congress for his brother-in-law Isaac.