
6 unusual facts about Nottingham Castle

George Africanus

Len Garrison, director of Afro-Caribbean Family and Friends (AcFF), ensured that Africanus was included in Nottingham Castle's 1993 Black Presence exhibition.

Nottingham Castle

When residents of these slums rioted in 1831, in protest against the Duke of Newcastle's opposition to the Reform Act 1832 they burned down the mansion.

The castle was the site of a decisive siege when King Richard I, returned to England and besieged the castle with the siege machines he had used at Jerusalem.

Trent FM

After thirty-one years based at Castle Gate, the historic street leading to Nottingham Castle, the station began broadcasting from new studios at the Chapel Quarter development at Chapel Bar, at midday on 9 January 2007.


Robin Hood and his Merry Men to break into Nottingham Castle, in a variety of preposterous disguises, in order to prevent a marriage between the nymphomaniac "court tart" Delphina and the hairy Scots laird Roger the Ugly, arranged for the purpose of securing the loan of Scottish troops for bad Prince John.

William de Clinton, 1st Earl of Huntingdon

William de Clinton was a boyhood companion of Edward III of England, and as one of the king's followers who secretly entered Nottingham Castle and captured Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March.

Nottingham Marathon

From 1982 onwards the race has started and finished from the Victoria Embankment (Nottingham) taking in some of Nottingham's most historical and scenic sights, including the City Centre and Nottingham Castle, Wollaton Park, the University of Nottingham and the National Watersports Centre at Holme Pierrepont.

Reginald de Grey, 1st Baron Grey de Wilton

Later he was High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and the Royal Forests and Constable of Chester Castle, Constable of Nottingham Castle (1265) and Constable of Northampton Castle (1267).

see also