
unusual facts about Novitiate

Friedrich Lorenz

In connection with this, he joined the Novitiate of the Oblates at Maria Engelport Monastery, although one month later, the monastery had to let him go because he had been called into the army.


novitiate | Novitiate |

Albin Gurklis

Young Albin entered the novitiate and was ordained a priest at Marianapolis College, now Marianapolis Preparatory School on August 8, 1943.

Alfonso Muzzarelli

He entered the Jesuit novitiate on 20 October 1768, and taught grammar at Bologna and Imola.

Aloysius Gentili

He remained in Rome, attending theological lectures whilst residing at the Irish College in order to improve his English, and after his ordination to the priesthood, in 1830, proceeded to Domodossola to make his novitiate.

Anthony Kohlmann

When the Jesuits in Russia, still functioning as a religious community after the suppression of the Society of Jesus in Catholic Europe, were recognized in 1801 by Pope Pius VII, Kohlmann joined them and entered their novitiate on 21 June 1803.

Archibald Bower

After a novitiate of two years he went in 1712 to Fano, where he taught classics till 1714, when he moved to Fermo.

Bertold of Regensburg

His novitiate was passed under the guidance of David of Augsburg; and by 1246 he is found in a position of responsibility.

Ferdinand Konščak

At sixteen he finished the expected grades and was admitted to the novitiate of the Society of Jesus in Trenčín, Slovakia, where he stayed for two years.

Francis Jeremiah Connell

Connell spent novitiate year at the Redemptorist house in Annapolis, Maryland after which he was sent to Mount St. Alphonsus Seminary in Esopus, New York to study philosophy and theology in preparation for priestly ordination.

Franz Xavier Wernz

He entered the Society on December 5, 1857, made his novitiate at Gorheim near Sigmaringen, and took his first Vows on December 8, 1859.

Giovanni Battista Martini

Having received his education in classics from the priests of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri, he afterwards entered the novitiate of the Conventual Franciscans at their friary in Lago, at the close of which he professed religious vows and received the religious habit of the Order on September 11, 1722.

Gregory Grassi

After he assumed authority over the Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Shansi on September 6, 1891, he established a novitiate to provide access to Franciscan life for the Chinese of all four vicariates in Shanxi, and a rest home for overworked missionaries.

Jean Gamans

After making his novitiate, he devoted several months to a revision of his philosophical studies, and subsequently, from 1626, spent five years teaching in the college of Würzburg, conducting his pupils through the five classes which comprised the complete course in humanities.

Jean-Louis Bruguès

He entered the Order of Preachers, made his novitiate in Lille (1968-1969), so he made his first religious profession on 29 September 1969 and was ordained a priest 22 June 1975 in Toulouse.

Jerome G. Miller

After his undergraduate studies, he spent a year in a Maryknoll novitiate in Bedford, Massachusetts.

Karol Antoniewicz

This, as well as the advice of his spiritual director, Father Frederic Rinn, S.J., induced him to seek admission into the novitiate of the Jesuits at Stara Wieś in September, 1839, where he took the solemn vows on 12 September 1841.

Leonard Goffiné

Born in Cologne, or according to some, Broich, at the age of nineteen he entered the Norbertine Abbey of Steinfeld, in the Eifel district of Germany, and commenced his two years novitiate in July 1667.

Lettice Mary Tredway

In July 1616, Tredway entered the novitiate of the Canonesses Regular of the Lateran at their Priory of Notre-Dame-de-Beaulieu in the village of Sin-le-Noble, near Douai, in the County of Flanders, which had been established in the 13th century as a hostel for travellers and the sick.

Lucian Athanasius Reinhart

He was born James Hyde Reinhart on May 24, 1911, in Kansas City, Missouri and entered the novitiate of the Brothers of the Christian Schools at the La Salle Institute in Glencoe, Missouri, and received the religious habit in 1926, at which time he was given the religious name Lucian Athanasius.

Marie Josephine Goetz

At the age of seventeen she entered the novitiate of the Sacred Heart at Montet and took her first vows in 1837.

Michael A. Perry

Following his university studies, he entered the novitiate of the Province of the Sacred Heart of the Franciscan Order on 25 June 1977, and professed temporary religious vows on 11 August of the following year, the feast day of St. Clare of Assisi.

Michael C. Barber

After attending Saint Pius X Preparatory School in Galt, California, Barber entered the Jesuit novitiate in 1973.

Orlando Quevedo

Quevedo studied in San Jose Seminary from 1954 to 1956, but spent his novitiate in St. Peter's Novitiate in Mission, Texas.

Pavel Djidjov

He took the name Pavel (Paul) when he entered the Assumptionist novitiate in Nozeroy, France, in October, 1938.

Peter Wadding

He was admitted to the Company of Jesus on 24 October 1601 by Father Oliveræus, the provincial of Flanders, and commenced his novitiate at Tournay on 23 November 1601.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington

In 1808 Fanny Allen, daughter of General Ethan Allen, converted to the Catholic faith, and entered the novitiate of Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal, where she was received as a member of the order.


In the same year at Ratcliffe, near Leicester, the foundations were laid for a novitiate designed by Pugin, but it became a school.

Samuel Dzhundrin

In 1939, he went to France and spent a year completing his novitiate under the Augustino-Assumptionist Fathers in the city of Nozeroy.

Stanislas du Lac

Entering into the novitiate of the Society of Jesus at Issenheim in Alsace, October 28, 1853, he studied theology at Laval until 1869, when he was ordained priest by Mgr. Wicart, 19 September.

Stefan Czmil

After graduating from the school of Salesian aspirants Czmil was admitted to the Salesian Novitiate in Villa Moglia (Chieri) in 1935.

The College of Saint Mary Magdalen

From 2007 to 2011, the college owned the Durward's Glen retreat house in Baraboo, Wisconsin, formerly a novitiate for the Order of St. Camillus, and operated it as a site for retreats, religious events, and educational programs.

Thomas Nicholas Burke

His superiors sent him, while yet a student, as novice-master to Woodchester, the novitiate of the resuscitated English Province.

Tomáš Týn

He was allowed to study in France, and later moved to Germany to begin his novitiate with the Dominicans on 28 September 1969 in Warburg in Westphalia, where his family came to escape the dictatorship in their country.

Ugolino Brunforte

He served his novitiate at the convent of Roccabruna, but passed most of his life at the convent of Santa Maria in Monte Giorgio, whence he is often called Ugolino of Monte Giorgio.

Walter Steins

Because of ill-health caused by a fall he was advised to return to Europe and he spent time recuperating at Conflans-sur-Seine, the novitiate of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Paris.

Woodhall House, Edinburgh

In 1970, the Jesuit novitiate left Woodhall House and the novices were transferred to Loyola Hall outside Liverpool.

see also