
unusual facts about Nuba

Human rights in Sudan

Pax Romana statement of Macram Max Gassis, Bishop of El Obeid, to the Fiftieth Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, February 1994 accounts of widespread destrucution of hundreds of churches, forced conversions of Christians to Islam, concentration camps, genocide of the Nuba people, systematic rape of women, enslavement of children, torture of priests and clerics, burning alive of pastors and catechists, crucifixion and mutilation of priests.

Leni Riefenstahl: Her Dream of Africa

The film follows Leni Riefenstahl's return to Sudan to visit the Nuba tribe whom she published photographs of in best-sellers such as The Last of the Nuba and The People of Kau.

Nuba Conversations

Later on, in 2002, Nuba Conversations was presented in the United Nations headquarters in Nairobi to the parts involved in the warfare.

Nuba Mountains

The international community, including a number of celebrities such as actor George Clooney, have recently travelled to the Nuba Mountains and documented the continued genocidal activities of the Bashir government.

Nuba peoples

The Governments of Sudan under Sadiq al-Mahdi and Omar al-Bashir also armed militias of Baggara Arabs to fight the Nuba and transferred many Nuba forcibly to camps.

Ousmane Sow

Inspired by the photographs of the Nuba peoples in southern Sudan, made by Leni Riefenstahl (1902-2003), he changed his career in order to work from 1984 to 1987 on a series of sculptures of muscular Nuba wrestlers.

Paul Salopek

Tomo Križnar - a peace activist also charged with espionage, passing information illegally, writing "false news," and entering Sudan without a visa, who also distributed 400 video cameras to the local ethnic Nuba civilians in order to help them collect the evidence of the (North) Sudan military's war crimes against them.

Siegfried Frederick Nadel

During a brief fieldbreak in Al-Ubayyid Nadel wrote Black Byzantium on the Nupe (which would not be published until 1942) and The Nuba: An Anthropological Study of the Hill Tribes in Kordofan (which would not appear in print until 1947).

Steve Gutow

In March 2012, Rabbi Gutow was arrested with actor George Clooney, NAACP President Ben Jealous, Representatives Jim McGovern and Jim Moran, and others at a protest outside the Sudanese Embassy in Washington, DC calling on the US to ensure delivery of humanitarian aid to the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountain regions.

see also