
unusual facts about ONE campaign

Samuel A. Worthington

Worthington has served on the White House Task Force on Global Development and Poverty, he was a founding board member of the ONE Campaign, and chaired the global NGO Impact Initiative on behalf of the UN Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery under President Bill Clinton.

Jim Nussle

His position brought national and international interest to his district, including the ONE Campaign, the lobbying group formed by Bono of the rock band U2.

John Doerr

He serves on the board of Bono's ONE campaign to fight global poverty, particularly disease in Africa.

see also

Filament Productions

Filament also partnered Restore The Gulf's "Be The One" campaign for which Filament donated a production team to film Dave Matthews for his portion of the video.


Hammurabi of Babylonia's 30th year name was "Year Hammurabi the king, the mighty, the beloved of Marduk, drove away with the supreme power of the great gods the army of Elam who had gathered from the border of Marhashi, Subartu, Gutium, Tupliash (Eshnunna) and Malgium who had come up in multitudes, and having defeated them in one campaign, he (Hammurabi) secured the foundations of Sumer and Akkad."

Woodie Held

After one campaign with the Senators, he was acquired by the Orioles on October 12, 1965 for John Orsino.