The sailor, who although the ship was sinking, still fired until waves washed him overboard was First Lieutenant Jacek Dehnel, grandfather of the famous polish poet and writer Jacek Dehnel.
ORP Sęp | ORP Orzeł | ORP | ORP Kontradmirał Xawery Czernicki | ORP ''Wicher'' | ORP ''Kontradmirał Xawery Czernicki'' | ORP Komendant Piłsudski | ORP Gryf | ORP Burza | Mazur | Barry Mazur | ORP Wilk | ORP Wilia | ORP ''Piorun'' | ORP ''Krakowiak'' | ORP ''Dzik'' | ORP Dzik | ORP ''Burza'' | ORP Błyskawica | Mazur (disambiguation) | Joseph Mazur | Eric Mazur |