
unusual facts about Obedience


A Flag is Born

Ads portrayed Irgun fighters as "modern-day Nathan Hales," denounced London's policy of "taxation in Palestine without representation," quoted Thomas Jefferson's memorable phrase, "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God," and used the motto, "It's 1776 in Palestine!" When Tevye speaks in his dream to the council of representatives of Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union, he compares Palestine in the 1940s with the American colonies in the 1770s.


He also managed to secure professions of obedience from a number of southern bishops, including Eadwulf of Lindsey and Tidferth of Dummoc.

Benito Arias Montano

Arias was responsible for a large part of the actual matter, besides the general superintendence, and in obedience to the command of the king took the work to Rome for the approbation of Pope Gregory XIII.

Broderick Crawford

In the film, Crawford's character is a hardened convict so violent he commands the obedience of even the most violent and psychotic prisoners in the prison yard, including those portrayed by such famous tough-guy actors as Charles Bronson, Ralph Meeker, William Talman, and Lon Chaney, Jr..


At the end of the 18th century factories for metal processing were founded in Cugir and Sibişel, just after 15 years after the suppression of the Revolt of Horea, Cloşca and Crişan so that to exploit the mineral resources but also to insufflate obedience towards the Empire.


Baumrind (1964), criticizing the use of deception in the Milgram (1963) obedience experiment, argues that deception experiments inappropriately take advantage of the implicit trust and obedience given by the subject when the subject volunteers to participate (p. 421).


German philosopher and anthropologist of law Axel Montenbruck wrote that dehumanization is inextricably linked with both the “techniques of neutralization” (David Matza/Gresham Sykes) and to the obedience aspects of the Milgram-experiment and in a wider sense with Zimbardo's Stanford prison-experiment.

Dominic Tang

appointed him on 1 October 1950 as Apostolic Administrator of Canton (Guangzhou), and on 13 February 1951 was ordained titular bishop of Elateia by Bishop Gustave Deswaziere, who said of him: By accepting the appointment from the Holy See in these difficult times, the new bishop was showing absolute obedience and a spirit of sacrifice.

Donna Ball

Donna lives in a restored turn-of-the-century barn in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the northeast Georgia with her dogs, they have won numerous awards for agility, obedience, and canine musical freestyle.

Ecclesiastical Licences Act 1536

In this section, the words "And that all ecclesiasticall" to "their obedience and" were repealed by section 1 of, and Schedule 1 to, the Statute Law Revision Act 1948.

Florimond Claude, Comte de Mercy-Argenteau

In 1792 he became governor-general of the Austrian Netherlands, which had just been reduced to obedience by Austria, and here his ability and experience made him a very successful ruler.

Francesco Marchisano

Cardinal Marchisano however was one of the six cardinals who made the public act of obedience on behalf of the College of Cardinals to the new pope at his papal inauguration.


Pope Gregory XV placed the religious under the Rule of St. Augustine, the vow of poverty being added to those of chastity and obedience and monastic observance and the recitation of the Office of the Blessed Virgin imposed.

Heelwork to music

The sport has evolved since the early 1990s when obedience handler Mary Ray first demonstrated the sport at Crufts.

Ideology of the SS

Himmler used the Jesuits as the model for the SS, since he found they had the core element absolute obedience and the cult of the organisation.

Imre Finta

Justice Peter Cory, writing on behalf of the Supreme Court, said "Even where the orders are manifestly unlawful, the defence of obedience to superior orders and the peace-officer defence will be available in those circumstances where the accused had no moral choice as to whether to follow the order."

Javad Khan

And the other thing that when we get under the rule of the Russian king, the Iranian king were to Khorasan and we could not reach him, and due to that fact the king of Russia is also great, we accepted his obedience, but now, thanks to god, the Iranian king is near and his servant general has come to us and also his army, and more of them will come to help us.

Jefferson School of Social Science

At the last of these sessions, John Gates, editor of the official party newspaper, The Worker, was sharply critical of the American party's blind obedience, its support of its Trotskyist opponents under the Smith Act, and its failure to commit itself to a peaceful path to socialism based upon maintained civil liberties.

John of Whithorn

Geoffrey Plantagenet was Archbishop-elect of York at the time, and John in fact ordained him as a priest, despite the opposition of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who wished to use the opportunity to force York to make obedience to Canterbury as Primate.

Julie Billiart

On the feast of the Sacred Heart, 1 June 1804, Mother Julie, after a novena made in obedience to her confessor, was cured of paralysis.


They rank a low 42nd in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, but keep in mind that Coren's criteria focus on how fast a dog can learn obedience "tricks"—a limited test of intelligence.

Lectio Divina

Other theological analysis may follow, e.g. the cost at which Jesus the Lamb of God provided peace through his obedience to the will of Father, etc.

Louise de Marillac

In 1623, at the age of 32, she wrote, "On the feast of Pentecost during Holy Mass or while I was praying in the church, my mind was completely freed of all doubt. I was advised that I should remain with my husband and that the time would come when I would be in the position to make vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and that I would be in a small community where others would do the same."

Paul Godet des Marais

He also did much to destroy Jansenism in France, refuted the cas de conscience (1703), commanded obedience to the papal constitution of Pope Clement XI (1705), and severely censured Gaspard Juénin's Institutions théologiques (1708).

Protection papers

The day Richard Stockton was captured, General William Howe had written a Proclamation offering protection papers and a full and free pardon to those willing to remain in peaceable obedience to the King, George III.

Robert de Cardeny

He secured the obedience of the Abbot of Iona to Dunkeld in 1431, and in 1433 witnessed the foundation charter of the Collegiate Church of Methven.

Sectarian violence among Christians

Cathars rejected the Old Testament and its God, who they named Rex Mundi (Latin for "king of the world"), who they saw as a blind usurper who demanded fearful obedience and worship and who, under the most false pretexts, tormented and murdered those whom he called "his children" They proclaimed that there was a higher God — the True God — and Jesus was his messenger.

Stanley Milgram

The French political thriller I... comme Icare includes a key scene where Milgram's experiment on obedience to authority is explained and shown.

The Road to Jerusalem

After relocating back to Varnhem again, the Prior of the convent, Father Henri, instructs Arn to witness the outside world for himself before taking the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

Thomas of Bayeux

Herbert de Losinga was appointed a papal legate in 1093 by Pope Urban II to investigate the matter of Thomas' profession of obedience to Lanfranc.

University of Guadalajara

On June 14, 1820, the director Diego Aranda y Carpinteiro swore obedience in name from the university to the representative of the independentists of the Plan of Iguala, general Pedro Celestino Negrete .

Welsh Terrier

They rank 53rd in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, being of average working/obedience intelligence.

William Jane

He shortly changed his opinion about passive obedience, and when James II's cause was hopeless, Jane sought William of Orange at Hungerford, and assured him of the support of the university of Oxford, hinting at his willingness to accept the vacant bishopric of Oxford.

see also