
5 unusual facts about Obesity

Dixon Hall Lewis

A strikingly obese figure, Lewis was known to weigh as much as 500 pounds (227 kg), making him the heaviest member of Congress ever.

Feline hepatic lipidosis

Obesity is known to increase the risk of Feline Hepatic Lipidosis, however, there is no known official cause of the disease.

Irving Fazola

While some of his fellow musicians urged Fazola that greater fame and fortune awaited him in the big cities up north, Fazola said he was more comfortable in his home town with its wonderful food (which he ate in great quantities, becoming ever more obese).

Lateral Patient Air Transfer

In addition to the direct weight-related medical morbidities of obesity, hospitals face practical problems – how to care for, transport and move patients with severe obesity.

Organic disease

The term "Organic Cause" also features in Obesity disorders, where for example "Regulatory Obesity" is a failure to regulate food intake but with no organic cause, whereas Metabolic Obesity involves an organic cause.

1982, Janine

His cast of characters includes: Janine, based on a childhood memory of Jane Russell in The Outlaw; Superb (short for Superbitch); and Big Momma, an obese lesbian.


Channel 4's technology correspondent Benjamin Cohen also raised the issue that targeting individuals with advertising for brands such as McDonalds and Coca-Cola could open up a debate about childhood obesity.

Epidemiology of childhood obesity

A Lancet article published in 2010 that the prevalence of childhood obesity during the past two to three decades, much like the United States, has increased in most other industrialized nations, excluding Russia and Poland.

Eric Ravussin

Eric Ravussin is a professor in Human Physiology and the Director of the Nutritional Obesity Research Center at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Fast Food Nation

Million Calorie March: The Movie (2008) — a documentary film highlighting obesity and weight loss


In August 2004, PR Week reported that the Chicago office of F-H were advising PepsiCo with a campaign to respond to concern about rising levels of obesity.


Julia Griggs Havey (born 1962), American author of several diet books, written after her experience fighting obesity

Headless fatty

Headless fatty is a term coined by activist Charlotte Cooper which refers to photographs or video of anonymous fat people used in news media stories about obesity.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

There are over 120 Guidelines available on their website including ones in 2011 on early rheumatoid arthritis and in 2010 diabetes, obesity and Parkinson's disease.

John Luik

Luik, J.C. and Basham, P., (2008), "Is the obesity epidemic exaggerated? Yes", British Medical Journal

Jose F. Caro

His research on leptin and obesity published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation was the second paper to explore leptin.

Joslin Diabetes Center

1980s: C. Ronald Kahn and his team define the molecular mechanism of insulin action and how it is altered in insulin resistant states such as type 2 diabetes and obesity.

2009: Researchers in the lab of C. Ronald Kahn, MD discover that brown fat is present in some adults, providing a new target for the treatment of obesity.

1996: A molecular pathway (called NF-κB) is identified in fat and the liver that is activated by obesity (and a fatty diet) and causes the insulin resistance that can lead to type 2 diabetes (Steven E. Shoelson, M.D., Ph.D.).

Lars Osberg

"Poverty and the Extent of Child Obesity in Canada, Norway and the United States" (with Shelley A. Phipps, Peter S. Burton, and Lynn N. Lethbridge) Obesity Reviews, January 2006, Vol.

"Measuring Obesity in Young Children” (with Shelley Phipps, Peter Burton and Lynn Lethbridge), Canadian Public Policy Vol.

MeMe Roth

Before her campaign against obesity, Roth worked at a number of public relations firms, including Edelman and Ogilvy Public Relations.


Sibutramine, an orally administered agent for the treatment of obesity

Modern convenience

:Processed foods, high-fructose corn syrup, and increased fat—the greater reliance on processed, packaged, microwaveable food has resulted in a rise in Type 2 Diabetes, obesity, and other health concerns.

Motivations for joining the Special Olympics

This directly relates to the high levels of Cardiovascular disease, obesity, and low muscle capacity in adults with intellectual disabilities.


Knockout of the Mrap2 gene in mice leads to severe obesity.

My Coke Rewards

Childhood obesity was also a concern for weight-loss instructor Julia Griggs Havey who sued Coca-Cola over the program in 2006, but dropped her lawsuit a few weeks later.

Naturally Obsessed

Shot over three years’ time in the molecular biology laboratory of Dr. Lawrence Shapiro of the Columbia University Medical Center, the film chronicles how the tool of X-ray crystallography enables the discovery of the workings of the AMPK protein molecule, revealing a new path towards the treatment of diabetes and obesity.

Obesity in France

Mireille Guiliano wrote the book French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure which explains why French women eating in the traditional way are less inclined to be obese than their American counterparts and shares French women’s secrets to staying slim while eating well.

Obesity in the Middle East and North Africa

In 2007, the Health Ministry supported the National Bank of Kuwait Walkathon in Salmiya in an effort to raise awareness of the health problems associated with weight gain and obesity.

Ptolemaic dynasty

Familial Graves' disease could explain the swollen necks and eye prominence (exophthalmos), although this is unlikely to occur in the presence of morbid obesity.

Richard F. Daines

Afterward, he was a visiting scholar at the New York Academy of Medicine, focusing on policies that promote obesity prevention.

Richard G. Wilkinson

He is best known for his book with Kate Pickett The Spirit Level, first published in 2009, which claims that societies with more equal distribution of incomes have better health, fewer social problems such as violence, drug abuse, teenage births, mental illness, obesity, and others, and are more cohesive than ones in which the gap between the rich and poor is greater.

Scottish Socialist Party

Frances Curran, then an MSP, led a broad campaign with many children's and anti-poverty organisations to provide free and nutritious meals for all Scottish schoolchildren to tackle the problems of poor diet and rising obesity amongst children.

Selfish brain theory

The Luebeck obesity and diabetes specialist Achim Peters developed the fundamentals of this theory between 1998 and 2004.

Social network analysis software

Christakis, Nicholas and James H. Fowler "The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network Over 32 Years," New England Journal of Medicine 357 (4): 370-379 (26 July 2007)

The Hungry Gene

The Hungry Gene is a 2002 book by Ellen Ruppel Shell in which she tackles the issue of obesity.

Trial of Louis XVI

He first asked Gui-Jean-Baptiste Target, former deputy of the National Constituent Assembly and hero of the Parlements of the ancien régime, to lead his defense, but the elderly lawyer refused on account of his age (and obesity).

see also