
unusual facts about Observable


An Instinct for Dragons

Jones then argues against the common hypothesis that dragon myths might be motivated by primitive discoveries of dinosaur fossils (he argues that there are widespread traits of dragons in folklore which are not observable from fossils), and claims that the common traits of dragons seem to be an amalgam of the principal predators of our ancestral hominids, which he names as the raptors, great cats (especially leopards) and pythons.

Ángel de Saavedra, 3rd Duke of Rivas

Traces of foreign influence are observable in El Moro expósito (1833), a narrative poem dedicated to John Hookham Frere; these are still more marked in Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino (first played on 22 March 1835 in Madrid), a drama which emerged from heated literary controversy.

Ernest Beutler

A new colleague at the City of Hope and ultimately a lifelong friend, Susumu Ohno had recently demonstrated that the histologically observable Barr body present in the nuclei of mammalian female cells was a hyperchromatic X chromosome.

Gerald B. Cleaver

With Dimitri Nanopoulos Cleaver constructed the first string-derived model containing only the particles of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) in the observable sector.

Growth accounting

Growth accounting decomposes the growth rate of economy's total output into that which is due to increases in the amount of factors used—usually the increase in the amount of capital and labor—and that which cannot be accounted for by observable changes in factor utilization.

Linear parametric varying control

One or more observable variables, called the scheduling variables, are used to determine the current operating region of the system and to enable the appropriate linear controller.

Lower tangent arc

A lower tangent arc is a rarely observable halo, an optical phenomenon appearing under and tangent to a 22° halo centred around the sun.

Observable universe

According to the theory of cosmic inflation and its founder, Alan Guth, if it is assumed that inflation began about 10−37 seconds after the Big Bang, then with the plausible assumption that the size of the universe at this time was approximately equal to the speed of light times its age, that would suggest that at present the entire universe's size is at least 3x1023 times larger than the size of the observable universe.

Occam's razor

William H. Jefferys (no relation to Harold Jeffreys) and James O. Berger (1991) generalize and quantify the original formulation's "assumptions" concept as the degree to which a proposition is unnecessarily accommodating to possible observable data.

Olbers' paradox

Poet Edgar Allan Poe suggested that the finite size of the observable universe resolves the apparent paradox.

Reference class problem

John Venn stated in 1876 that "every single thing or event has an indefinite number of properties or attributes observable in it, and might therefore be considered as belonging to an indefinite number of different classes of things", leading to problems with how to assign probabilities to a single case.

Stellar parallax

It is clear from Euclid's geometry that the effect would be undetectable if the stars were far enough away, but for various reasons such gigantic distances involved seemed entirely implausible: it was one of Tycho Brahe's principal objections to Copernican heliocentrism that in order for it to be compatible with the lack of observable stellar parallax, there would have to be an enormous and unlikely void between the orbit of Saturn and the eighth sphere (the fixed stars).

Two-state quantum system

All observable physical quantities associated with this systems are 2 \times 2 Hermitian matrices, this means the Hamiltonian of the system is also a similar matrix.

see also