
unusual facts about Ockham's Razor Theatre Company

Ockham's Razor Theatre Company

They had previously all been studying unrelated theatre subjects at separate universities: Harvey studied Fine Art at De Montfort University in Leicester, Mooney studied English Literature with Spanish at the University of Sussex as well as La Universidad de Santiago, Chile, and Koch studied Cultural Science and Aesthetic Communication at Universität Hildesheim, originally training as a dancer.

Ockham, Surrey

An act of charity in the village assisted one family in the 'Underground Railroad' in the U.S. that resulted from the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.

After reaching Liverpool in 1850, following an arduous journey starting with a flight to freedom from Macon, Georgia, African-American slaves William and Ellen Craft were given a home by a parishioner in Ockham in 1851.

Robyn Williams

Ockham's Razor (15 minute format) followed in 1984, with Williams introducing a leading scientist or personality who then expounds from a prepared text on a topic of their choice, with a view to making a subject simple and accessible to the public, hence the title relating to the famous statement on parsimony by William of Ockham.


His son died in 1674, and in 1677 it was sold to Denzil Onslow — it passed under his will, after his widow's death in 1729, to Thomas Lord Onslow, and early in the 19th century it was exchanged for the manor of Papworth in Send, Surrey with Lord King, whose main descendant, a third earl, (see Earl of Lovelace) owned it, as his family did Ockham, in the early 20th century.

see also