
2 unusual facts about Of Missing Persons

Of Missing Persons

Of Missing Persons is a 1955 science fiction short story by Jack Finney, which describes a burned-out bank teller named Charley Ewell living in 1955 New York City who receives a chance to emigrate from Earth to Verna, a lush, earthlike planet light-years away.

In discussing the Vernans' motivations, the proprietor reasons to Charley, "If you saw a neighbor's house on fire, would you rescue his family if you could? As many as you could, at least?" Over time the Vernans opened branches of Acme Travel Bureau in every major city and invited people from all over the earth, including Ambrose Bierce and, speculates Charley, Judge Crater.

see also

University of North Texas Health Science Center

The UNT Center for Human Identification, which is housed at UNTHSC, analyzes DNA samples from both unidentified remains as well as reference samples submitted by family members of missing persons to law enforcement agencies nationwide.