
unusual facts about Office of the e-Envoy

The UK Government's Knowledge Network Programme

The UK Government's Knowledge Network, according to the UK Government's e-Government Unit (formerly the Office of the e-Envoy) "is a world first - a government-wide electronic communication tool helping government departments to share knowledge with each other, and work online with colleagues across government."

2006 Kodori crisis

It has remained under precarious control of the central Georgian government, but the government of the area has effectively been run, until the recent crisis, by a local authority and warlord Emzar Kvitsiani, who previously led the defense of the gorge against the Abkhaz separatist forces in the capacity of the commander of the local Monadire (literally: "Hunter") militia force and an envoy of the former President of Georgia named Eduard Shevardnadze.

2008–09 Zimbabwean political negotiations

Also on 16 July, the pro-MDC Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions condemned the second round and urged the appointment of a prominent AU envoy to assist in mediation.

Airspeed Envoy

Maxwell Findlay fatally crashed another Envoy, modified with long-range fuel tanks, in northern Rhodesia during the October 1936 Johannesburg Air Race.

Albericus de Rosate

In 1340 he was commissioned by the bishop to go as his envoy in important matters to Pope Benedict XII at Avignon.


In 1409 Alutai (Arughtai) set up the heir, Öljei Temür Khan Bunyashiri, of the Yuan Dynasty at Beshbalik, and ignored the Chinese demands for satisfaction regarding the murder of an envoy in the previous year.

Béni Kállay

After the Russo-Turkish War of 1878 he went to Plovdiv (modern Bulgaria) as Austro-Hungarian envoy extraordinary on the International Eastern Rumelian Commission.

Bernard Gascoigne

In 1672 Gascoigne was sent to Vienna as English envoy to conduct the negotiations for a marriage of James, Duke of York with Claudia Felicitas of Austria, daughter of Ferdinand Charles, Archduke of Austria.


At the Treaty of Westphalia, his envoy Joachim Friedrich von Blumenthal negotiated the acquisition of several important territories such as Halberstadt.

Burton Harrison

In 1872, he was an envoy to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, with Samuel P. Samuels, and T. Scott Stewart, to negotiate annexation, with Buenaventura Báez.

Charles Mohun, 4th Baron Mohun

In 1712, two years after Mohun's Whig party had been heavily defeated in an election, the Duke of Hamilton gained the post of special envoy to Paris.

Cytometry for life

Former UN special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, Stephen Lewis, has been a major proponent of the movement to make CD4 testing “portable” and “easy to use” so as to mitigate the AIDS epidemic in Africa.

Dominicus Baudius

After his study, Baudius became part of an envoy to England, where he stayed from 1583 to 1585 and where he formed a friendship with the poet Philip Sidney, introduced by Daniel Rogers.

Foreign relations of Lebanon

Canada established diplomatic relations with Lebanon in 1954, when Canada deployed "Envoy Extraordinaire" to Beirut.

Frederick St John

Frederick Robert St John (1831–1923), British Envoy to Venezuela, Serbia and Switzerland

Gebhard Truchsess von Waldburg

Living in the Netherlands, they became acquainted with Elizabeth's envoy, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, and entered into lengthy negotiations with Elizabeth's Court to obtain support for his cause; these efforts failed to garner assistance for renewing the war either from the English queen or in any other quarter.

Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia

Later, Nadareishvili's administration was implicated in some internal controversies and had not taken an active part in the politics of Abkhazia until a new chairman, Irakli Alasania, was appointed by President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, his envoy in the peace talks over Abkhazia.

Henry Burney

From 1829 Burney was the British resident envoy to King Bagyidaw's court at Ava in Burma where he successfully negotiated the return of the Kabaw Valley from Manipur to Burma.

Hermann von Thile

He became a diplomat in the Kingdom of Prussia in 1837, and was sent to Rome, Berne, Vienna and London, before he was appointed as the Envoy to Rome in 1854, succeeding Christian Karl Josias von Bunsen.

International response to the Second Chechen War

On March 30, 2006, Manfred Nowak, the United Nations investigator on torture said that Moscow had agreed to let him visit Russia, including the troubled region—the first such trip by a UN torture envoy in more than a decade.

James Murray Mason

While traveling to his post as Confederate envoy to Britain and France, on the British mail steamer RMS Trent, the ship was stopped by USS San Jacinto on November 8, 1861.

Jens Andersen Beldenak

King Christian II hired him often on diplomatic missions and in 1503 he was the envoy to the peace meeting in Lübeck, where he exceeded his instructions by promising compensation to Lübeck for mobilizing ships during the war.

Jinghai Temple

Jinghai Temple (Temple of the Calm Sea) was built in 1416 by the Yongle emperor of Ming dynasty to honor Zhenghe who is not only a eunuch but also an envoy of the emperor.

John A. Kasson

He served in that position until 1885, when he was named as a special envoy to the Congo International Conference in Berlin.

Joseph von Radowitz

In 1836, Radowitz went as Prussian military plenipotentiary to the federal diet at Frankfurt, and in 1842 was appointed envoy to the courts of Karlsruhe, Darmstadt and Nassau.

Julián García Vargas

After leaving office he served as the special envoy of the European Union in Mostar (Bosnia) from November 1995 to April 1996 for the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement.

Le chevalier d'Harmental

The story concerns the conspiracy of the Prince of Cellamare, the Spanish ambassador, an envoy of Alberoni, who is at the heart of a plot involving the Duke and Duchess of Maine, which aims to capture the royal regent at a party, then gather together the Etats-Généraux and confer the regency on the King of Spain, Philippe V.

Major airline carrier of the United States

Envoy, the former American Eagle Airlines, IATA designator (MQ) and current subsidiary of American Airlines Group

Manicasothy Saravanamuttu

Manicasothy served as Ceylon's Commissioner in Singapore and Malaya (1950–1957), Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to Indonesia (1954–1957) during which time he was involved in organising the Asian-African Conference, better known as the Bandung Conference, in 1955 and Honorary Consul-General in Bangkok (1958–61).

Nicolae Milescu

In 1660-1664, he acted as representative of his country with its Ottoman overlord, and then as envoy to Berlin and Stockholm.

Obadele Thompson

After the 2000 Olympics, Thompson was made "Ambassador and Special Envoy to the Youth" by former Barbados Prime Minister Owen Arthur.

Peace plans offered before and during the Bosnian War

In early January 1993, the UN Special Envoy Cyrus Vance and EC representative Lord Owen began negotiating a peace proposal with the leaders of Bosnia's warring factions.

Pio Laghi

On 1 March 2003, Laghi, as special papal envoy to the United States, met with President George W. Bush and conveyed the Pope's request that the United States reconsider the decision to go to war against Iraq.

Robert Piper

In 2005, in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, Piper was asked by former US President Bill Clinton to serve as his chief of staff, in Clinton's capacity as UN Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery.

Russian Soviet Government Bureau

A secret mission to Russia in March 1919 conducted by Wilson administration envoy William C. Bullitt to assess the economic and political system there ended in a negative report which accentuated various atrocities committed in the name of the Bolshevik regime, effectively removing any chance of formal recognition of the Martens initiative.

Samuel A. Worthington

Worthington has served on the White House Task Force on Global Development and Poverty, he was a founding board member of the ONE Campaign, and chaired the global NGO Impact Initiative on behalf of the UN Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery under President Bill Clinton.

Shebaa farms

On a fact-finding visit to the region, Terje Rød-Larsen, the UN special envoy to the Middle East, noted that the 1923 Anglo-French demarcation and the 1949 Armistice line clearly designated the area as Syrian territory.

Sir Andrew Buchanan, 1st Baronet

In 1853, he was named envoy extraordinary to the king of Denmark, and he acted as her majesty's representative at the conference of Copenhagen in November 1855 for the definite arrangement of the Sound dues question.

Sir Charles Wolseley, 2nd Baronet

Robert Wolseley (died 1697), Envoy-Extraordinary to the Governor General of the Spanish Netherlands, died unmarried

Sir George Savile, 8th Baronet

He entered the foreign office in 1841, was British envoy at Dresden and Berne, and from 1883 to 1888 represented his country in Rome.

Standing Buddha

:"The Emperor, to discover the true doctrine, sent an envoy to Tianzhu (Northwestern India) to inquire about the Buddha's doctrine, after which paintings and statues of the Buddha appeared in the Middle Kingdom." (Hou Hanshu, trans. John Hill)

Stephen S.F. Chen

In November, 2008 he traveled with Lien Chan, special envoy of President Ma Ying-Jeou to the APEC meeting in Lima, Peru where in a side meeting they met with the People's Republic of China's President Hu Jintao, in the highest level of official exchange between mainland China and Taiwan on an international stage.

Stojan Novaković

He was also one of the most successful and skilled Serbian diplomats, holding the post of envoy to Constantinople, Vienna and Saint Petersburg.

He was sent as the Serbian envoy to Constantinople, considered, along with Vienna and St. Petersburg, as one of the most important posts in that period.

Sun Chia-ku

Sun Chia-ku was a native of Anhui who graduated as chin shih in 1856 and was a senior clerk in the Tsung-li Yamen when appointed in 1869 to be Co-Envoy with Anson Burlingame, then United States Minister at Beijing, on a friendly mission to foreign countries.


Another story states that in Nara period, a Japanese envoy was introduced to 14 kinds of confection whilst in Tang China.


Coolplanet2009 has joined forces with numerous so-called Cool Friends and Partners, such as Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Good Planet, the Icelandic rock band Sigur Rós, Björk’s NGO Náttúra and the three chairwomen of the Road to Copenhagen: Margot Wallström, Vice President of the European Commission, Gro Harlem Brundtland, UN Special Envoy on Climate Change and Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland.

Walter Aston, 1st Lord Aston of Forfar

Lord Forfar returned as envoy to Spain in 1636, and although the dispute over the restoration of the Palatinate to the new Elector Palatine (the Winter King having died) remained intractable, Lord Forfar did assistance to twenty-seven lawsuits involving English merchants in Spanish courts.

Warren Atherton

Atherton was consultant to the Secretary of War and envoy to Nelson Rockefeller, Coordinator of International Affairs.

Xue Zong

On one occasion, when the Shu Han envoy Zhang Feng (張奉) made fun of the name of his colleague Kan Ze during a feast, he gained somewhat of a measure of revenge by making fun of Shu Han's name.

see also