International Monetary Fund | International Fund for Agricultural Development | hedge fund | World Wide Fund for Nature | World Monuments Fund | Heritage Lottery Fund | Jewish National Fund | United Nations Children's Fund | Palestine Exploration Fund | Environmental Defense Fund | United Nations Population Fund | Universal Service Fund | The Jimmy Fund | Social Security Trust Fund | Royal Literary Fund | Fund | European Social Fund | European Development Fund | Commonwealth Fund | The Art Fund | Rockefeller Brothers Fund | Registered Retirement Income Fund | Priority Development Assistance Fund scam | NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund | Mayfield Fund | John Fund | Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund | Hunt Alternatives Fund | Entertainment Artistes' Benevolent Fund | Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development |
He co-founded one of the largest and most successful currency management firms; GaiaCorp, and managed an offshore currency fund (Gaia Hedge II) which was the world's top performing managed currency fund during the 1987-91 period he ran it.