Described as a children's version of Survivor, the show features two groups of children competing with each other in competitions in the Swedish forest Kolmården, where the contestants live together until the show is over and the winners win a trip to Africa.
He currently lives in Lidingö outside of Stockholm with his wife Lotta Bäcker and their son Loa Lindholm.
Ola Jordan | Ola Dybwad-Olsen | Lindholm | Ola Thommessen | Ola Rotimi | Ola Raknes | Ola Mosafinn | Ola Hansson | Ola Englund | Ola Cohn | Music of the World Cup: Allez! Ola! Ole! | Beck-Ola | Rock-Ola | Olli Lindholm | Ola Ullsten | Ola Tidman | Ola & the Janglers | Ola Snortheim | Ola Nordmann (song) | Ola Nordmann | Ola Magnell | Ola Kala | Ola Hanson | Ola Halén | Ola Bratteli | Ola Belle Reed | Ola | Jan Lindholm | Festus Olabode Ola | Dave Lindholm |