
3 unusual facts about Ole Ivar Lovaas

Ole Ivar Lovaas

In addition to his extensive work with autistic children, in the 1970s Lovaas co-authored four papers with George Rekers on children with atypical gender behaviors.

He is considered to be one of the fathers of applied behavior analysis (ABA, formerly called Behavior modification) through his development of the Lovaas technique and was the first to provide evidence that the behavior of autistic children can be modified through teaching.

Sidney W. Bijou

Ole Ivar Lovaas of the University of California, Los Angeles, one of the developers of applied behavior analysis therapy for autism, adapted Bijou's techniques to develop one of the most commonly used techniques of using rewards to enhance social skills of autistic children.

Lovaas model

The Lovaas model is a form of Early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) developed by psychology professor Dr. Ivar Lovaas at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

see also