
unusual facts about Oleh

Nefesh B'Nefesh

Due to the joint venture of the Jewish Agency for Israel and Nefesh B'Nefesh, an Oleh can take advantage of a "one-stop shop" offering both Aliyah approval and the Go North application services.

Domagoj Vida

That match was notable because Oleh Blokhin firstly put Vida on the position of central defender where his partner was Yevhen Khacheridi, while first three games for Dynamo he played as right defender.

Ivan Honchar Museum

The musician Oleh Skrypka, (frontman of Vopli Vidopliassova) each year organizes vechornytsi (gatherings) at the centre, which include folklore singing, dances, customs etc.


Another platinum certified album, Tak Lekang Oleh Waktu (Unbridled by Time) was released the following year, with singer Syahrini as a guest vocalist; the album also featured a song, "Kawanku" ("My Friend") written by President Yudhyono.

Kobzarska Sich

Previous camps have featured such prominent instructors as: Hryhory Kytasty, Julian Kytasty, Oleh Mahlay, Taras Lazurkevych, Oleh Sozansky, Ola Herasymenko, Alexis Kochan, Bohdan and Halyna Heryavenko, Halyna Kvitka-Kondratsky and others.


The first literary reference to a volkhv occurs in the Primary Chronicle under the year 912; there, the priest-soothsayer predicts Prince Oleh's death.

Yosif Feigelson

Mr. Feigelson has collaborated with some of the world's best known musicians as soprano Barbara Hendrix, pianists Vladimir Feltsman and Bella Davidovich, violinist Oleh Krysa, violist Yuri Bashmet, conductors Neeme Jarvi, Gennady Rozhdestvennsky, Lukas Foss, Lawrence Foster, Gerard Schwarz, Andre Raphel Smith, David Amram and Moshe Atzmon.

see also