
unusual facts about Nefesh B'Nefesh

Nefesh B'Nefesh

Due to the joint venture of the Jewish Agency for Israel and Nefesh B'Nefesh, an Oleh can take advantage of a "one-stop shop" offering both Aliyah approval and the Go North application services.


Abraham bar Hiyya

Against Rapoport, Guttmann has shown (Monatsschrift, p. 201, note 2) that Naḥmanides read and used the Hegyon ha-Nefesh, though occasionally differing from it; but while Saadia is elsewhere quoted by Abraham b.

In this field of philosophy he had also pioneer work to do; for, as is shown by Guttmann (Monatsschrift, 1900, p. 195), in refutation of Kaufmann's assumption that the Hegyon ha-Nefesh was originally written in Arabic (Z. D. M. G. xxx. 364; Die Spuren Al-Baṭlajûsis, p. 28, and Bacher, Die Bibelexegese der Jüdischen Religionsphilosophen des Mittelalters, p. 82), Abraham b.

Isaac Erter

Their titles are: "Mozne Mishqal"; "Ha-Tzofeh be-Shubo mi-Karlsbad"; "Gilgul ha-Nefesh"; "Tashlikh"; "Telunat Sani we-Sansani we-Samangaluf"; "Ḥasidut we-Ḥokmah."


An aniconic culture, the Nabataean representation of deities lacked figural imagery.

see also