The Weaponers of Qward later kidnapped her, seeking to use her U-Mind to tap into a power called the Ergono and open the obelisk, a monument left behind by the ancient Qward.
Green Lantern, Volume 3, #47's conclusion seemed to indicate another plot by Olivia, yet this would never be—DC Comics decided to go another direction (Emerald Twilight) and ignored this hint.
Olivia Newton-John | Joshua Reynolds | Burt Reynolds | Olivia de Havilland | Ryan Reynolds | Reynolds | R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company | Olivia Wilde | Simon Reynolds | Reynolds number | The Olivia Tremor Control | Scottie Reynolds | Roger Reynolds | R. J. Reynolds | Debbie Reynolds | Reynolds American | Olivia | Alastair Reynolds | Reynolds v. Sims | Olivia Thirlby | Olivia Serres | Mack Reynolds | Bobby Reynolds | Susan Reynolds | Phyllis Reynolds Naylor | Olivia Langdon Clemens | William A. Reynolds | Richard J. Reynolds High School | Olivia (singer) | Olivia Harrison |