Disney's Twelve Basic Principles of Animation is a set of principles of animation introduced by the Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas in their 1981 book The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation.
Joseph E. Johnston | Daniel Johnston | Ben Johnston | Albert Sidney Johnston | Ollie Johnston | Johnston Forbes-Robertson | Johnston Atoll | Ben Johnston (composer) | Antony Johnston | Levi Johnston | Johnston | Joe Johnston | Herbert Johnston | Freedy Johnston | David Johnston | Robin Knox-Johnston | Lynn Johnston | Lawrence Johnston | Kristen Johnston | John Taylor Johnston | Henry Halcro Johnston | Edward Johnston | Daryl Johnston | Bennett Johnston | John Johnston | Henry S. Johnston | Guy Johnston | Gillett & Johnston | Brian Johnston | Will Johnston |
Inspired by his animators Ward Kimball and Ollie Johnston who had backyard railroads, Walt launched construction of a 1/8 scale live steam locomotive, rolling stock such as gondolas and a caboose, track and a small barn modeled in miniature for the one in Marceline, Missouri from his youth to keep them in.
Ollie Johnston's beloved model railroad and the book Disney Animation: The Illusion of Life, written by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston, also feature prominently in the film.