
unusual facts about Open Mind

Open Mind

MindView or OpenMind, mind mapping and project management software from MatchWare

see also

Damião de Góis

A humanist and an open mind, Góis followed courses at the Universities of Padua and Leuven, wrote on various topics, like the condition of the Sami people (Lapps), and translated some classic works – among them, Cicero’s Cato maior de senectute – into Portuguese.

Open Mind Productions

Open Mind Productions was founded on February 8 1983 by Roland Tongue and Chris Ellis.

Renato Marino Mazzacurati

Renato Marino Mazzacurati (1907-1969), was an Italian painter belonging to the modern movement of the Scuola romana (Roman School), of eclectic styles and able within his career span to represent the artistic currents of Cubism, Expressionism, and Realism, thus showing a distinctive open mind towards Art and its multiple aspects.