
5 unusual facts about Openness

Evaluative diversity

The Agreeableness and Openness dimensions of Big Five personality scales are measures of evaluative preference.

Greenberg's linguistic universals

"When the adjective follows the noun, the adjective expresses all the inflectional categories of the noun. In such cases the noun may lack overt expression of one or all of these categories."


As an overt demonstration to other hackers of their skill in the use of force, these security breaches can be taken as a sign of criminal intent and may result in charges as serious as terrorism.

Traditional English pronunciation of Latin

A variety of possible realizations are available for open, semi-open, and semi-closed initial unstressed syllables, including (for e and i) long, short, and reduced variants.

However, for the purposes of determining whether a syllable is open or closed, these single consonants continue to act as consonant clusters.


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25U signal support systems specialist

25U signal support system specialist is sometimes referred to as 25 Universal due to the openness and flexibility of the MOS, as the person can be assigned from anywhere to Infantry, rangers, higher headquarters, an armored unit, PsyOps, public affairs, or even the Communication Room at the White House.

André-Joseph Léonard

In respose to his appointment, Deputy Prime Minister Laurette Onkelinx, who is also the country’s health minister, said, “Church and State are separate in Belgium, but when there are problems in our society, all the social partners sit down around a table, including representatives of secularism and of religion. Cardinal Danneels was a man of openness, of tolerance and was able to fit in there. Archbishop Léonard has already regularly challenged decisions made by our parliament.”

Andrew Stoddart

In 1890 Stoddart again showing his openness to new ventures, became a founding member of the Barbarians, the invitational rugby club.

English royal mistress

Although he had already met her in San Diego, California in 1920, he was charmed by her openness, which he associated with Americans, when he met her again in Leicester in 1931.

Foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong

Senate president Franklin Drilon said that levy on domestic workers went against Hong Kong's free-market principles and would damage its reputation for openness to foreign trade, investment and services.

Frank Popper

This commitment to the teeming openness found in virtual art can be traced to the theories of Umberto Eco and other aestheticians.

Harmonious Socialist Society

General Secretary Hu's focus on stability and openness is the central model addressed in the book The J Curve: A New Way to Understand Why Nations Rise and Fall by Ian Bremmer.

Islamic Supreme Council of America

According to an unidentified blogger of the weblog "Sufi Muslim Council Exposed", in 2005 Kabbani told UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw: “We are glad to see changes taking place in the political mechanisms in the Middle East. We hope to see an end to tyranny and we are happy to observe a strong upsurge in freedom of speech, freedom of belief and political openness in the region.”


Leonard Rosenthol, PDF Architect at Adobe, lists iText as one of the early milestones in the history of openness of PDF.

James Abegglen

Critics like Eamonn Fingleton argue, however, that he "regarded his principal function as doing public relations on behalf of the Japanese establishment," that he misled Western leaders and the Western public about the openness of Japanese markets, and that he kept his change of nationality secret.


Jyrki Kasvi, member of Finnish Parliament, also questioned the legality of censoring lapsiporno.info, noting that according to Finnish law, only websites hosted outside Finland can be added to the filtering list, and reminded that the Minister of Transport and Communications, Susanna Huovinen, who lobbied for the law, had emphasized openness and transparency.

Liberal Vannin Party

The Liberal Vannin Party put forward several candidates at the 2006 general election, and campaigns on a platform of greater accountability and openness in government.

Open era

Glasnost era, the increased openness in the Soviet Union from the mid-1980s

Open Marxism

Thus, Open Marxism has served as the basis for neo-Gramscian research in international relations by Stephen Gill and Robert W. Cox, although some question the openness of metaphors such as "war of position" and "historic bloc" for analysis of micro-interactions and resistance within contemporary neoliberalism.

Pentecostal Churches of Christ

A notable characteristic of the Pentecostal Churches of Christ is that they have sought to combine Pentecostal Holiness teaching and practice with a much enhanced sympathy and openness towards the teachings and practices of the worldwide Christian community, including the teachings and practices of the ancient church over the two thousand years of Christian history.


Nikolas Kompridis has proposed a widely encompassing view of reason as "that ensemble of practices that contributes to the opening and preserving of openness" in human affairs, and a focus on reason's possibilities for social change.

The J Curve: A New Way to Understand Why Nations Rise and Fall

Bremmer's J Curve describes the relationship between a country's openness and its stability; focusing on the notion that while many countries are stable because they are open (the United States, France, Japan), others are stable because they are closed (North Korea, Cuba, Iraq under Saddam Hussein).

see also