Operating temperature can be further reduced by the use of copper nitrate or copper acetylacetonate, whose vapors give peak laser output power at 180 and 40 degrees C, respectively.
The product is for use in cleaning, lubricating and short-term preservation of both small and large caliber military weapons, operating in the temperature range of -51 to + 71 °C (-60 to +160 °F).
The tube material also should be compatible with both the shell and tube side fluids for long periods under the operating conditions (temperatures, pressures, pH, etc.) to minimize deterioration such as corrosion.
operating system | Android (operating system) | temperature | Ubuntu (operating system) | Fedora (operating system) | Chief Operating Officer | Chief operating officer | Temperature | Standard conditions for temperature and pressure | real-time operating system | Operating Thetan | Operating temperature | IBM AIX (operating system) | High-temperature superconductivity | Wait (operating system) | U.S. state temperature extremes | Time Sharing Operating System | temperature record of the past 1000 years | Temperature gradient | RMX (operating system) | Real-time operating system | Pick operating system | Operating System | Operating system | Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth | network operating system | Gay-Lussac's law#Pressure-temperature law | Forward Operating Base Danger | Darwin (operating system) | Aircraft Operating Company |