
3 unusual facts about Operation Meridian

Operation Meridian

Forty-three Avenger bombers, 12 Firefly fighter-bombers with rockets and fifty Hellcat, Corsair and Seafire fighters were launched, approaching with the sun behind them and diving from 9000 feet to 3000 feet to release their bombs.

During World War II, Operation Meridian was a series of British air attacks conducted on 24 January (Meridian One) and 29 January (Meridian Two) 1945 on Japanese-held oil refineries at Palembang, on Sumatra.

On 29 January, the second raid, Operation Meridian Two, an air strike against the oil refinery at Soengei Gerong, Sumatra, took place.

British Pacific Fleet

Major actions in which the fleet was involved included Operation Meridian, air strikes in January 1945 against oil production at Palembang, Sumatra.

see also