
unusual facts about Operation Provide Promise

Operation Provide Promise

By the end of the operation, aircraft from 21 countries had flown 12,886 sorties into Sarajevo, delivering 159,622 tons of food, medicine, and supplies and evacuating over 1,300 wounded people.

David Grant USAF Medical Center

1992-1993 saw many humanitarian operations supported by the 60th AMW, including Operation Provide Comfort in Iraq, Operation Provide Hope in the former Soviet Union, Operation Provide Promise in Bosnia, and Operation Provide Relief and Operation Restore Hope in Somalia.


From October 1992 to April 1993, the Bulls deployed to the Mediterranean Sea and were key participants in Operation Provide Comfort in northern Iraq and Operation Provide Promise in the airspace near the former Yugoslavia.

see also

Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Three

Seabees supported the United Nations protection force operation "Provide Promise" by maintaining the U.S. Hospital at Zagreb, Croatia as well as installing surveillance equipment in Baghdad, Iraq.