
4 unusual facts about Oregon Coast Range

Autographa sansoni

Occurring mainly in the Pacific northwest, it thrives in mid-to-high elevation conifer forest habitat, as well as some areas of coastal rain forest in the Coast range.

Oregon Coast Range

Other mammals here are Mountain beaver, beavers, coyote, mink, river otter, mountain lion, porcupines, skunks, and brush rabbit.

Townsend's chipmunk

Townsend's chipmunks in the Oregon Coast Range have higher population densities in areas with dense shrubbery, especially salal (Gaultheria shallon).

Winkler scale

A notable example is the Willamette Valley (firmly within region I), which was long regarded as too cold and wet to grow grapes; yet has vineyards planted on numerous south-facing hills in the rain shadow of the Coast range which produce world-class Pinot noir and many other excellent wines.

Walton, Oregon

Construction of Route 126 began in 1881, and after it crossed the Oregon Coast Range near Noti, it followed a tributary of the Siuslaw River named Walton Creek.

see also

Lasionycta sasquatch

It is found in the Washington Cascades south of Snoqualmie Pass, Saddle Mountain in the Oregon Coast Range, and the Siskiyou Mountains in south-western Oregon.


Measurements of such paleomagnetic fields in the Oregon Coast Range show rotations of 46 to 75°, all of it following the presumed accretion to the continent (alternately, formation) of the Siletz terrane at about 50 Ma.